
Psychiatrist Personal Vision Statement

Satisfactory Essays

Personal Vision Statement My goal in the future is to achieve a doctor of medicine degree in psychology and become a psychiatrist, focusing in clinical psychology. It is a very challenging path, as it is going to take a lot of my time, resources, money, and effort in order to achieve my dream. In general, obtain a doctor of medicine degree will require 8 years to graduate, and 4 more years to train. In total, I’m going to spend another 12 years after high school for my career. However, I feel that the path I choose is also highly rewarded. I can have a stable income, and more than that, a chance to change a person’s life. I have been through a depression during my high school years, due to the lost of my father. It was a tough time for my life, as depression come without a warning. I constantly feel lonely, as I believe no one would understand me. But I know I could not held all these feelings inside me forever; therefore, I have to seek for help, and luckily, my friends, teachers, and family were there for me. With that being said, I want to be a psychiatrist …show more content…

I don’t have any siblings, but I have a lot of little cousins, so I hope they are going to be the type of person I want to became. With that being said, I have to work extremely hard, and have to be mentally and physically prepare for the future. Honestly, I have faith in my vision, as I am passionate to help people. The path I choose will not only benefits me, but will also make a great impact to the society. It will be challenging for sure, but I have many motivations that will help me to achieve my dream. I am the first generation student to attend college, and I want all my hard works will pay off well and make my family proud. Furthermore, I want to help specifically on those teenagers and elders, as they are the most likely to encounter mental disorders due to stress from

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