Instructional Context: The group consisted of 6 students, ranging in age from 14-17. All 6 students were Caucasian females. Of the group members, 3 were in 9th grade, 2 were in 10th, and 1 was in 12th grade. To accurately represent my large urban, comprehensive high school student population, the group members ranged from 2 students (one 10th and one 12th grader) identified as Academically and Intellectually Gifted (AIG), one 9th grader who receives accommodations under a Section 504 Plan for a diagnosed anxiety disorder, and 3 considered regular education. I assessed the range of academic abilities by reviewing group members’ historical grades, test scores, schedules, attendance, and 504 plans when applicable. Based on my own interactions with students, teachers, colleagues, and parents, I have seen an increase in stress related mental health diagnosis impacting students’ ability to be successful in …show more content…
With over 2600 students in grades 9-12, and a caseload of 400+, maintaining and developing socially, emotionally, and balanced students can be a challenge when student abilities do not always match the expectations of stakeholders. Though my school is diverse, socioeconomic status is a contributing factor when it comes to expectations, college admittance, and overall student success. Socioeconomic status increases stress because parents expect their child to get into a top university, and many are not open to a community college, even if that is what would be best for the student. For these reasons, I have identified stress and anxiety as the identified critical need. Of last year’s graduating class, 92% attended a college or university, with 63% of those attending a four-year institution. In addition, our school administered over 550 Advanced Placement (AP) exams to 10th–12th
During this initial session, the client stated she is seeking counseling to "help find herself" due to some concerns she is dealing with in her personal life. When asked "to describe what does finding herself mean" the client was unable to answer. The client struggled to provide her view or a meaning to certain issues she identified as concerns. The counselor then assesses the client's family and her interactions with her family to find a correlation in her family interaction and what changes she wants to make in her personal life. Initial impression from the counselor is the client is aware of herself and her family and what she views as a positive and negative interaction which has or could impact the way she views things now. The client
This week, I learned about Carl Rodgers, Abraham Maslow, and Rollo, Ray Reese. Each of the theorist had a different perspective on what factors contributed to personality. This weeks, I was intrigued by phenomena of unconditional positive regards and how it effects a person. The purpose of this paper is to discuss self- actualizing ad whether the individual is likely to be arrogant. Additionally, I will be discussing religious aspect of May and an evolutional Psychologist.
Personally I thought this chapter was a headache. I constantly had to read a page and then reread it. A lot of this information I have head from previous psychology classes, but just reading it was harder to understand rather than having an instructor teach it. I pretty much highlighted the whole book because I thought it was all-important.
Dr. Debra Koss ( child psychiatrist) believes that in our society today teens and parents face more stress and pressures than ever before. When a student acts up the first thought should not be punishment but what is going wrong in this young one’s life and how can it be helped. In Fund du Lac High School three hundred fifty-eight freshman out of six hundred thirty-two participated in mental health screening and sixty-four percent of the students tested were diagnosed with a mental illness. Many factors are contributing to this bad school environment ranging from overworked students, students ridiculing other students and faculty that genuinely do not care about the students. A teacher, who does not take interest in the students and does not do their best to make sure their students succeed, risks destroying their students confidence. 8,300 students drop out on a average day. These students say they drop because they don't feel safe, they can't keep up, they couldn't attend everyday or they did not have the confidence they would finish the class. Students everyday are either dropping out or hurting themselves because of the events that happen inside these school buildings. Forty percent of parents say children experience the most stress from academics. Chronic stress causes a sense of panic which causes more stress. “Despite whatever is going on -if you are a bit depressed, stressed, or overwhelmed you want to put up this positive
During the summers of 2015 and 2016, I got the chance to work in Istanbul, TR as a summer camp counselor. The program is called RC Summer and is an english immersion program for Turkish kids aged 7-14. As part of the program, the counselors are given a lot of free reign on the activities they can offer so I offered activities that ranged from building toys to making giant bubbles. My favorite activity that I offered was "Recycled Town." In 2015 the theme of the summer was "Move, Act, Make a Difference." Every other day, I would take my group of kids around campus and we would collect things in recycled bins and by the end of the session they had built their own town equipped with a bank, a nuclear power plant, a sewer system, a farm, and an
Connor has a very good understanding of the pronoun “we’. When I told him, “We are going to line up on the black line to start the game”, meaning everyone in our table group, he proclaimed, “Come one guys!”. In that situation Connor was able to determine that by saying we he knew that I meant the group as a whole. I have observed that when I say, “we need to walk straight in quietly in the hallway”, he always turns around to look at his other peers to see if they are walking correctly like I asked. This proves that Connor understands the concept of “we” and knows that by saying “we” I am addressing people beyond just himself. Most children are only concerned on themselves and think that when someone is talking to a group that they are talking
Week 13’s readings and conversations with my peers challenged my thinking about sexual minority students. I think what challenged me the most was how unaware I was of any sexual minority students at my school. It was not until after this discussion bored I found that there is a set of parents at my school who are Queer. I was honestly just mad at myself for not taking the time to better understand the families represented at my school. Just because I am not Queer does not mean it does not exist around me.
One of the biggest problems among students within post-secondary are the struggling issues of mental health such as depression, anxiety or stress which leads to the failure of adequate nutrition. The age of when mental disorders are clear to one’s self is between the age of 18 to 24 as this is the age of many adolescents are going into higher education (Kessler et al., 2005) . University students who struggle with depression and anxiety majority of the time is caused by the academic stress of being a leading cause of their mental health. As a survey was conducted by campus counselors, many found an outstanding factor of parental pressure for high grades from their child causing many students stress, depression and anxiety which elevates expectations within the student (Watkins et al. 2001, p. 322). These high rates are due to the feeling of being badgered to achieve high grades and maintain their grades while balancing their social life.
Stress and anxiety management is a vital necessity for most university students. Luckily, for Rockhurst nursing students, we are provided with tips to building our own anxiety toolkit to help us manage our stress effectively. The stress toolkit provided us with a variety of resources to help us cope with critical stress manageably. In addition to coping with the stresses, we must first identify the major stresses in our everyday lives. Two major stresses in my life currently include; finding a balance between school, family, and desired activities, and the dreaded school work itself. However, the stress management and anxiety toolkit can benefit me through coping strategies to overcome these stresses in life. Strategies that I can use to aid
I am super excited to have you as a professor again! I have missed your teaching style so much! I am having to retake this class because I had an issue with using the Audacity software in the last COM 664 Organizational Identity and Brand class. I talked with the help desk and still it would not work for me. I am trying so hard not to give up, but I feel like I am going to have the same trouble. Is there any way possible that you can help me with the software, maybe before we get to that week of the project deadline? I need help and I feel like a huge failure. I am three classes away from this Masters degree and I am trying to stay positive, but after failing a class from giving my all, I am nervous as ever. I hope you are doing
Through the past two weeks there was many different articles and videos that were able to help me grow as a writer or was able to open my mind to new ideas. This week, the article that applied most to my studies was the Keirsey Temperament Test, through taking the test and being able to understand that I am an ENFP, which stands for Extravert, Intuition, Feeling and Perceiving. This test was really cool to understand how my personality in fact ties in with my writing. It is very true, that I have a tendency to put lot of my personality in my writing and it was amazing to see the reason behind on how my personality ties in with my writing. Since doing this study I actually took the time to have fun and going into further research and seeing big celebrities that have the same personality as me. I found that Walt Disney, Ellen DeGeneres, Mark Twain and Robin Williams all had the same personality as me. It is super great to think about Walt Disney and I share similar personalities. It made me wonder if our writing styles and thinking are the same way since we share very
Anxiety is an unpleasant emotion experienced as dread, scare, alarm, fright, trepidation, worry, and uneasiness, which triggers mechanism for self-regulation strategies that facilitate performance (Schultz and Davis, 2000). Minimal amount of anxiety can mobilize human beings to respond rapidly and efficiently, but excessive amount of anxiety may foster poor response and sometimes inhibit response (Simpson et al., 1995). The quantity of anxiety experienced by the learner and the negative effects of it on their academic achievement are one of the major reasons for educators to be concerned about (Price 1991, and Clement 1997).
Preparing for college in this day and age is a whole new level of competition. High school students are now packing their lives full of activities and hours studying to look like the best candidate for their top choice schools. High school juniors are now not just striving to do well on standardized tests, but to get the perfect score, and anything less than a 4.0 GPA just won’t do. The little free time that these students have is filled with clubs, sports, volunteering, or even all three. Universities are becoming more and more selective, which is driving students to outdo their peers to claim their spot at their dream school. I didn’t make even a fraction of the effort that these students are, and even I felt the pressure. I can’t even begin to fathom how hard these students are working, and the amount of pressure they are under. Reading the stories of these students drove me to want to find out more. We all know how stressful preparing for college can be, but I suspect that these students are far more stressed out than most people are aware of.
Students are constantly being told what to do – go to school, complete your work, try your best, take this test, as well as many other commands. However, these constant demands are putting students under serious amounts of pressure. With all of the demands of education, many students are experiencing anxiety. According to Amiri, & Ghonsooly; Hernandez, Menchaca, & Huerta; & Jalongo, & Hirsh, anxiety is an unpleasant feeling such as dread, fear, hopelessness, or apprehension (2015; 2011; & 2010). These unpleasant behaviors should be enough encouragement for teachers to recognize that their students need more help than just academics. Anxiety should be a main concern for teachers, because anxiety disorders are the most harming and persistent psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents (Anticich, Barrett, Gillies, & Silverman, 2012; Grills et al., 2014; & Grills-Taquechel, Fetcher, Vaughn, & Stuebing, 2012). Even though it is known that students are anxiety prone, it is important to understand the cause in order to help eliminate the source.
Kelly Farrell had found symptoms of stress and uneasiness in middle school. As high school came, her symptoms sky –rocketed, and she ended up being diagnosed with Panic Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. That is a crucial part about school stress that one must bring up. It can cause sickness if it takes over physically, as well as leave an opening for a mental illness to evolve in the mental aspect of the person. People with cases like Kelly’s and Bretta’s are what we need to be concerned about. With stress in education, so many things can go wrong.