
Psoriasis Research Paper

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Psoriasis is defined as a chronic, disfiguring, inflammatory and proliferative skin condition in which both genetic and environmental factors play an important role. The most characteristic lesions consists of red, scaly, sharply demarcated, indurated plaques, present mainly over extensor surfaces and scalp[1].
There are more than 125 million people, nearly 3% of the world’s population, who endure symptoms of psoriasis[2]. In India reported incidence of psoriasis ranges from 0.44% to 2.8% with a higher prevalence in males compared to females, with most of the patients presenting in their third or fourth decade of life [3,4,5,6]. It is a lifelong disease affecting multiple aspects of one’s life and subsequently causing significant physical …show more content…

The diagnosis of psoriasis is usually made on clinical grounds and a biopsy is rarely required. The evidence of inflammatory basis of metabolic syndrome has stimulated research in its effects on other systemic inflammatory disorders such as psoriasis[9].
Metabolic syndrome, is defined as a constellation of metabolic abnormalities that confer an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus. The features of metabolic syndrome include central obesity, hypertriglyceridemia, , hyperglycemia, low HDL cholesterol and hypertension[10] .The commonly used definitions are given by the National Cholesterol Education Program, Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP,ATP III)(11), and International Diabetes Federation (IDF)(12). The latter definition includes waist circumference as a mandatory variable and also specifies its ethnic specific …show more content…

Impaired health related quality of life may lead to unhealthy lifestyle behaviours such as smoking, decreased physical activity, alcohol consumption and obesity, which can lead to metabolic syndrome and also act as independent risk factors for cardiovascular disease(21,22,23). Psoriasis has been shown to be an independent risk factor for myocardial infarction, particularly in young patients, and severe psoriasis has been shown to be associated with increased mortality in patients with cardiovascular

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