
Psalm 127 Week 2 Journal

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Children are a beautiful thing, they are a marvelous gift of God to us. A beautiful sign of His common grace to us mere humans, a gift stated in Psalm 127:3. A day that was big for me and a day that is important to me and my goals was the event of the birth of me twins, Carolynne and Carter, on
September 9th, 2013. As I type this paper in fact they are seated with me at the dining room table quietly playing with Play-Doh and watching Paw Patrol. How I love the peace that radiates from their quiet work and activity.
The day my children were born was a day I remember clearly: Me and my wife were not married at the time and I was not in strong pursuit of God like I am now, I know that premarital sex was a sin and
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Back to the experience though, this was a large part in my coming to Christ. These 2 beautiful children of mine motivate me almost as much as my beautiful wife, to be greater than what I think I am, and more like Christ. My wife is not a believer as much as I am, but I still believe, and being in the position of husband and father has brought me to such a level of respect and love and fear for God.
As I look back on the birth of my children I want to do more than what my dad did for me: more unconditional love, more saying “I’m proud of you” and actually meaning it, less rules and more teaching, more teaching of biblical standards, and more examples of Christ. What motivated me towards this degree in Psychology is the goal to be a husband, a father, a child of God that shows that from any circumstance you can improve by faith, that Christ will meet you where you are at and make you a person to look up to, but also a person to walk with. I want to be that person that shows his children the selfless love of God, motivation, and determination to pursue God’s great plan no matter what the

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