
Provisional Government Essay

Decent Essays

Provisional Government

The Provisional Government had attempted to keep its power over Russian affairs during the trouble that followed the abdication of the tsar in February 1917, and as events would show, they were largely unsuccessful in doing so. This may have been because of Kerensky's mistakes, the government's lack of political power, or its failure to solve the problems of Russia's peasant majority. The Bolsheviks were quick to take advantage of time of weakness, although whether or not they succeeded because the Provisional Government failed needs to be assessed.

The primary weakness of the Provisional Government was that it was essentially powerless. Primarily this was because the …show more content…

The Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries had great political power, starting from the Petrograd Soviet and reaching out to control in the soviets established in the other Russian cities.

The Great War also made a large problem for the Provisional Government, especially after it mistakenly decided that it would be best to continue fighting in the war. While at first succeeding in a campaign against Austria, continued failures afterwards led soldiers and sailors to mutiny. The failed campaigns demoralized the nation and unwittingly increased support for the anti-war Bolsheviks. By attempting to send some units of the Petrograd garrison to the front, the government made situations worse, eventually escalating to chaotic desertions of army garrisons. Paradoxically, the Provisional Government had rallied the offensive in the war in order to create a sense of 'civic patriotism' that hopefully would end the conflict and bring peace to Russia.

The Provisional Government failed to solve much of the issues that racked the nation, especially the ever-present problem of lack of food and the redistribution of the land that the peasants wanted. In this way the Bolshevik party appealed to the masses, using attractive slogans such as 'Peace, Bread and Land!' and 'All Power to the Soviets!' Whether or not they would fulfil their promises meant little as

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