
Providence Canyon Research Paper

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Providence Canyon, is located in Georgia's southwest. The canyon was officially named a state park when the government did not want to name it a national park in 1971. There are a few reasons why Providence canyon should be named a national park. This canyon has many different types of sand and rocks with in it, which could be used for education in science. Trips could be planed by schools to take students and study the rocks that are their. Also by making it a national park tourism will be raised and the people could spend money in local businesses. Providence canyon was a dense forest before it was a canyon. Farmers in the early 1800s started growing cotton in that area, they cut all of the trees and plowed to plant seed. They planted with long straight lines, which started the events …show more content…

In the providence canyon you can see things you don't see everyday, for example the rare plumleaf azalea. The plumleaf azalea is a flower that is found only in soutwest Georgia and eastern Aladama. During July and August the canyon floor is filled with the flowers, it is the largest colony known in the world. Wildlife is also something that the people can see while at little grand canyon. The canyon has lots of wildlife with in it, many of the people who visit can see animals in the wild for them selves. People who hunt and send time in the woods much see lots of animals, as for others who work or don't have time little grand canyon would be a great vacation. Red foxes are not a comman animal to see in the time of day everyday. The little grand canyon offers the opertunity to see woodpeckers, white-tail deer, and red foxes, as you stroll through the canyon. Little grand canyon has cliffs that are more than 150 feet into the earth, with different varieties of sand. The cliffs have many types of sand, like sediment. silt, etc. The sand had been compacted for millions of years, to form what it is

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