
Prostitution in Canada Essay

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Canada is a nation renown as a liberal-leaning, forward nation; promoting the advancement of women in all parts of the world. However, it is a nation guilty of punishing women for the circumstances in which they find themselves with laws showing an antiquated view on the issue of prostitution—one that prosecutes sex workers instead of those who take advantage of women’s situations and buy sexual services. BY examining the origins of current-day laws concerning prostitution in Canada and looking at European legislation as well as its successes and failures made it is possible to find a middle ground that will suit Canada should it ever decide to change its laws concerning prostitution. While prostitution is technically …show more content…

Different from Canadian laws are European laws concerning the regulation of prostitution. Germany, for example, has completely legalized prostitution, regarding prostitutes as employees with the ability to be contracted or work independently (Der Spiegel). These prostitutes are taxed a flat rate daily and have proven to be a large source of income for the country’s municipalities—Cologne alone collected €828 000 in 2005 from taxation at a monthly rate of €150 (Der Spiegel). The complete legalization of prostitution on Germany does come with certain restrictions that can be imposed by German cities regarding zoning and taxing as could be done with any business (Bricker 2006). Prostitution in Germany was legalised in 2002 (Bricker 2006) to attempt to remove the criminal aspect and abuse of women in the sex industry however, as in the Netherlands, which also legalised prostitution, the traffic and exploitation of young women from Eastern Europe is proving to be a problem. The Dutch government has been forced to close half of all brothels in Amsterdam’s famed red-light district in an effort to combat sexual slavery by groups of organized criminals who bring women into the Netherlands to keep them as slaves in brothels where often they are turned into drug addicts to stop any desire to escape (Stuijt 2009). While the large

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