
Prostaglandids Research Paper

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NSAIDs side effects can differ in individuals. Long use of NSAIDs cause serious side effects. For example, the development of peptic ulcers in the gut. Peptic ulcers occur due to the Cox enzyme being obstructed by the NSAIDs. This obstruction leads to unpleasant results. One benefit of the COX enzyme being obstructed is that it inhibits prostaglandins forming. However, prostaglandins act as a defence mechanism for the lining of the stomach protecting them from stomach acid. Gastrointestinal symptoms are frequent side effects associated with taking NSAIDs. These side effects include diarrhoea, constipation, heart burn, stomach pain and nausea. In cases of taking NSAIDs such as Naproxen, this could affect the lining of the stomach, it could

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