
Pros And Cons Of The British Constitution

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The British Constitution has been described as evolutionary throughout the years due to their adoption of many English Statutes.The British constitution consolidates many landmark documents founded in other nations, which defines it as a tapestry. A tapestry is used in reference to an intricate or complex combination of things or sequence of events. Saying that it is “evolutionary” , “a tapestry”, and “has been deftly woven and embellished over time” would be a very good description. The British Constitution was drafted with care and precision to allow changes. Over time, documents that better helped maintain order in a nation came along. The British Constitution is able to adopt those certain policies in order to better fit their nation.

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Perhaps the most recognized document is the Magna Carta. The Magna Carta is a basic, fundamental constitution guaranteeing the rights and liberties. It set up trial by jury and prohibited liberty, life, and property from being taken. The government became a contract and established the idea of limited government. The king and queen had nearly unlimited powers, then around 1215 King John was forced to sign the “Magna Carta” also known as the Great Character.

This document provided for a trial by jury of one's peers. It prohibits the taking of a person life, liberty and property except by the lawful judgement of the peers. This document forces the king to obtain the nobles approval of any taxes he imposed on his royal subjects. Limited government is a government that strict limits are placed upon usually by a constitution. In summation, the Magna Carta ended the monarch’s complete power. Thus, giving more rights and power to the people.

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