
Pros And Cons Of Teacher Tenure

Decent Essays

Teacher tenure is a program that many states have adopted which makes it difficult to fire teachers without a very good reason. It is intended to offer job security to experienced teachers who may otherwise be replaced by younger and less expensive teachers. Teacher tenure is also supposed to prevent teachers from being fired for unjust reasons such as personal beliefs or disagreements with school board members. On the surface, teacher tenure sounds like a good thing because it protects good teachers from being fired unfairly but it is more complicated than it appears and many people believe it may cause unintended problems.

Pros and Cons of Teacher Tenure
While teacher tenure does help protect teachers from losing their …show more content…

The parents say that they are disappointed in the court’s decision and claim that the teacher tenure laws protect certain racist teachers who have been known to practice segregation in the classroom. These parents say that this interferes with the rights of these students to a good education and is unfair to the students.

While the teachers and students are certainly impacted by teacher tenure, they are not the only ones affected by this issue. Staff members of many schools have been forced to continue working with teachers who are rude, lazy or simply not well suited for the job. In other careers an employee might be fired for these infractions but sometimes schools are unable to fire these teachers due to teacher tenure laws. This is not only detrimental to the education of the students of such a teacher, it may mean that other teachers must work harder to fulfill the needs of those teachers and must work with a very difficult person on a daily basis. In addition, teacher tenure can harm schools financially as schools are forced to pay high salaries to teachers who do not even deserve the job. This also impacts new teachers who may have difficulty finding a job due to older teachers who may not be as skilled at their jobs being protected by teacher tenure. Teacher tenure can impact the entire community when parents become frustrated that their child must endure a bad teacher and schools are

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