Performance Enhancing Drugs- Sports Edition
Performance enhancement drugs should be illegal because it gives the individuals who use them more advantages than the people who don’t use the drugs and actually work hard. Here, the World Anti-Doping Agency defines the term blood doping and what it does: “Blood doping is the misuse of certain techniques and/or substances to increase one’s red blood cell mass, which allows the body to transport more oxygen to muscles and therefore increase stamina and performance.” These drugs can be administered via syringe, and blood transfusion. When administered these make the blood more thick with makes the heart work harder to pump the blood through the body. This can cause heart attacks, strokes, and even blood clots in various places.
On the other hand transfusions can cause the risks to go up for hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and even HIV as well as the risk of allergic reactions, hives, fevers, and a dangerously high iron buildup. All of the named risks can be life threatening if not taken seriously. Blood doping has became a recently popular use of performance enhancing drugs. Until blood doping became popular athletes just used steroids and other typical substances to “boost” their performance and alertness in games. Although this method is illegal it can also be very difficult to detect due to the fact that a natural hormone known as Erythropoietin can trick the testing into believing the body has been in fact, doped. Hence the reason
In the memoir Night, the author, Elie Wiesel, uses vividly descriptive diction to establish the theme that one should never let go of their goals. After Elie and his family were forced to leave their home, they were loaded into a box car. Elie recalls that, “After two days of traveling [on the train], [ they] began to be tortured by thirst.” (Wiesel 21). Elie Wiesel’s choice of the word torture, instantly brings to mind a picture of people going through unbearable suffering. His vivid descriptions easily bring to mind instant images of what the text is depicting. Through Elie’s ride in the box car, he never let go of his goal of survival. His vivid description of the box car show you what Elie had to withstand while never letting go of his
The benefits of using some types of performance-enhancing drugs are obvious. Professional athletes have a very 'short shelf life' as competitors in most sports and must cash in on their talents as soon as possible. For Olympic athletes, the
A scandal broke in 2013 over the Cronulla Sharks concerning the administration of performance enhancing drugs to players during 2011-2012. Some of the ethical and corporate government issues associated with the clubs actions will be explored in the following case study.
Any type of artificial substance that an athlete takes can be considered as a Performance Enhancing Drug. There are several different classes and each one has a unique effects and side effects. Some of the classes Performance Enhancing Drugs that are commonly used are: lean mass builders, stimulants, painkillers, sedatives, diuretics, boosters, and masking drugs (Wikipedia). Within each of these types of P.E.D.’s there are different drugs.
Dick Butkus, a retired pro football hall of famer, stated, “There is a myth out there that somehow anabolic steroids can turn a cub into a bear. Steroids won’t make you tough and competitive. What they will do is ruin your health. It’s that simple,” on his opinion about the use of steroids. Although the stance against the use of performance enhancing drugs is clear to Dick, not everyone agrees on the topic. Many players, ranging in all sports at different levels, have used PEDs (Performance Enhancing Drugs) at least once in their career to better their abilities and performances. Some of those players have been caught and have been rightfully punished for their use; however, others get away with using PEDs and remain praised above their opposition. I believe that the use of performance enhancing drugs is wrong and should continue to be banned morally by the fans and legally by the commissioners. There are few positives to using PEDs, which ignite the urge for players to become better at their sport for fame, money, or success. Nonetheless, the negatives immensely outweigh the positives. The use of performance enhancing drugs creates detrimental health risks on athletes, changes the way sports were originally meant to be played for the worse, and shows unacceptable influence on fans and children.
In major league baseball there has been too much controversy with steroids. Many baseball players have been caught using steroids. Some of the baseball players that have been caught include the following: Alex Rodrigues, Barry Bonds, and Mark McGwire. Alex Rodriguez was caught using steroids and was suspended from major league baseball for an entire year. The New York Yankees were without Alex Rodriguez for the 2014 season including during the playoffs.
Anabolic steroids are frowned upon in sports, The drug was sustained from sports in 1988, there has been a lot of arguments over this and I believe that the drug should be allowed for public use, and for sports. The drug is a great way to be where you want in life, for example, gaining muscle and gaining weight.
Barry Bonds, the man who broke Hank Aaron’s home run record in 2007 should be hailed as one of the greatest sluggers to ever swing a bat. So why isn’t he? With a career plagued with controversy over the use of steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs (PED’s), Bonds’ historic records will be debated and held in controversy forever. The numbers Bonds put up during his career should earn him a first class seat headed to the Hall of Fame; however, even without an actual conviction, Barry Bonds’ link with PED’s will likely prevent his induction into the baseball Hall of Fame
There are two methods of using performance-enhancing drugs, cycling and stacking ( Cycling is when users use and select time intervals such as 12 weeks on, 6 weeks off and then 12 more weeks on. Stacking refers to users taking many different Performing-enhancing drugs at once. A combination of oral and injectable steroids. This combination of these drugs and either cycling or stacking can be very detrimental to the athlete and his body.
The issue of performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) has been among the most controversial in the sports world. A number of high profile athletes from Barry Bonds to Lance Armstrong have seen their reputations tarnished as a result of their use of these substances. Even the US Congress has held a number of high profile hearings on the subject to rid professional sports of their usage. In the sports world, it is almost assumed that sports are better when PEDs are removed from the game, and that the sport’s integrity is threatened when its players use these banned substances. Bud Selig, the former commissioner of Major League Baseball, described ridding baseball of PEDs as necessary “to maintain integrity, fairness and a level playing field.” Sports leagues have created highly sophisticated systems to identify players who use PEDs and levy them with harsh punishments. I will argue that the argument from fairness presented by Michael Lavin is not a valid reason to ban PEDs from professional sports. To clarify, my argument is not that PEDs are good for athletes or professional sports, but merely that they should not be banned out of a concern for fairness.
First is the Archaic period, and this one was at the time between 620 and 480 B.C. The Archaic period was after the Dark Ages and before the classical period. At this time, the Archaic period is showing the pottery and sculpture skills, which was more naturalistic and well developed on the classical Period. The written language and the knowledge were lost on the dark ages, but they were founded again on the Archaic Period. During this period of Greek art, There were two types of status, one was describing the youth called (kouroi) and the other one which was describing the maidens called (korai). (Kouros) was used to show the male figure and created in marble material. Some of these status were made larger than the human body, and the others
Performance enhancement drugs also promote cheating in sports to be allowed. The violation of cheating in a competitive aspect of sports gives an unfair advantage from the opposition they’re going against (Mumford 2). The offense of using these drugs in sporting events is that it’s against the regulations that the athletes must proceed to follow to able to continue playing the sport (Mumford 2). According to the evidence it shows how the use of performance-enhancement drugs is cheating in sports. “One accepts the lusory goal in sport, an inefficient means of achieving some task, precisely because without the constraint of rules, game playing would
During the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China had more than 4,700 competitors tested for drug doping. Peptide hormones, growth factors, and related substances are compounds that include treatment of cancer or aiding those born prematurely. The presence of the abnormal concentration of a hormone, it 's metabolites and it 's ratios or markers all contain prohibited substances that include human growth hormone (hGH), erythropoietin (EPO), insulin, human chronic gonadotrophin (HCG) and adrenocorticotrophin (ACTH). The effects one may have using this is a stroke, heart attack, thyroid problems, loss of vision, headaches, diabetes, arthritis, and severe headaches.
I am in my 1st year at durham college. And I have a job. Its hard working and going to school at the same time. I wont quit my job because I need every dollar I ern just to stay in my program and cover living expenses. The people at sobeys are pretty good. They let me work shifts that don’t conflict with my classes. Still, Ive had to give up a lot more than I ever thought. My freinds and I used to play ball hockey or touch football every Sunday. Then wed go out for drinks after and just have fun talking and laughing and maybe watch a game on TV. Sundays are now my time to catch pu on schoolwork after I finish working my shift. I don’t know how im going to handle my internship placement when that comes up next year. I cant figure out how to
Performance Enhancing Drugs(PEDs) shouldn’t be used in sports, because of its adverse health consequences. According to an article called Performance-Enhancing Drugs Can Have Severe Long-Term Impact on Health: Expert, in the long term, PEDs can cause impotence, worsening acne, balding and “steroid rage.” This conveys that if athletes use PEDs there will be serious effects and severe consequence to their health. Also, the drugs aren't subject to government safety standards and could be impure or mislabeled.(Article: Performance-enhancing drugs: Know the risks?) Therefore, the illegal drugs and supplements that the athlete consume are dangerous, damaging and potentially deadly. The drug could be made out of something that gives you a disease or even kills you because it doesn’t meet the government safety