
Pros And Cons Of Performance Enhancing Drugs

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No Pros in Performance Enhancing Drugs
Bigger, faster, stronger. Everyone's goal is to become the best at what they do. From the Wayne Gretzky in hockey, Michael Jordan in basketball, or Serena Williams in tennis every athlete wants to be the best. But is it worth cheating to become the best? Performance enhancing drugs should continue to be illegal in athletics due to the immoral use, to probable increase of concussions, and the failure of bodily functions. The first reason performance enhancing drugs should continue to be illegal is the unfair advantage they create. A performance enhancing drug, or a PED for short, is simply what the name states. It is a drug that enhances the performance of an athlete in the field of play. Some examples of illegal substances are, “steroids, human growth hormone (HGH), androstenedione, creatine, and blood doping” (Allen Chapter One). All of these enhancing drugs improve the physical stature of your body, but these are all immoral due to the fact that the use of PEDs is cheating. PEDs are not worth the consequences.
Secondly, if an athlete would get caught using PEDs they can lose everything they have done with their lives. Plenty of great record breaking athletes have been caught using PEDs. Players such as Alex Rodriguez and Mark McGwire in baseball (Historical timeline). These athletes both used steroids to enhance performance. The Russian had their own problem with PEDs of a different form when they blood doped. “The World

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