No Pros in Performance Enhancing Drugs
Bigger, faster, stronger. Everyone's goal is to become the best at what they do. From the Wayne Gretzky in hockey, Michael Jordan in basketball, or Serena Williams in tennis every athlete wants to be the best. But is it worth cheating to become the best? Performance enhancing drugs should continue to be illegal in athletics due to the immoral use, to probable increase of concussions, and the failure of bodily functions. The first reason performance enhancing drugs should continue to be illegal is the unfair advantage they create. A performance enhancing drug, or a PED for short, is simply what the name states. It is a drug that enhances the performance of an athlete in the field of play. Some examples of illegal substances are, “steroids, human growth hormone (HGH), androstenedione, creatine, and blood doping” (Allen Chapter One). All of these enhancing drugs improve the physical stature of your body, but these are all immoral due to the fact that the use of PEDs is cheating. PEDs are not worth the consequences.
Secondly, if an athlete would get caught using PEDs they can lose everything they have done with their lives. Plenty of great record breaking athletes have been caught using PEDs. Players such as Alex Rodriguez and Mark McGwire in baseball (Historical timeline). These athletes both used steroids to enhance performance. The Russian had their own problem with PEDs of a different form when they blood doped. “The World
Should athletes be stripped of their titles and medals for using sports-enhancing drugs? Do sports-enhancing drugs actually improve the athlete’s natural abilities to the extent where their abilities are no longer natural? These are the controversial questions that stem from athletes involved with sports-enhancing drugs. Substances that improve the performance of an athlete are classified as an enhancing drug. Anabolic steroids, human growth hormones, and even diuretics are some commonly used sports-enhancing drugs. The professional sports industry, in my opinion, is being defined by athletes who are using or not using sports-enhancing drugs. The athletes who are in the professional sports world today and are achieving greatness end up being on a form of enhancing drug in most cases.
In every sport, there has always been a desire to win. Some athletes will do anything to make winning possible. Every elite athlete wants to be better than their opponent. Some rely on performance enhancing drugs, also known as PED’s, to improve their game. This topic is very important because it can be the difference between winning and losing. Winning can mean money, fame and a place in history. I believe athletes should not use PED’s in sports because it is an unfair advantage, health risk, bad role modeling, bad sportsmanship, and results in tainted records and awards.
Athletes use performance enhancing drugs to boost their game. The professionals who use these drugs are ruining the integrity of the game. Many people don’t understand why professional athletes would go to such extreme measures to be better when they have already proven themselves. Athletes are just taking away from their natural ability by using these dangerous drugs. The risk of using performance enhancing drugs is a lot greater than the reward, because an athlete’s reputation could be tarnished and their career ruined. Money is one of the major reasons why players use them; if they perform at levels higher than what their natural abilities could do they will be offered a large sum of money.
“Commentators claim that performance-enhancing drugs are not right or wrong, simply another strategy to improve performance” (Introduction to Performance-Enhancing Drugs). There are two main problems wrong with the use of drugs being legal. Health of athletes would drop devastatingly, and the true competition would become who gets lucky. “Some mourn the loss of yesterday's baseball heroes, while others argue that sport figures who use performance-enhancing drugs expose flaws in American culture” (Introduction to Performance-Enhancing
The benefits of using some types of performance-enhancing drugs are obvious. Professional athletes have a very 'short shelf life' as competitors in most sports and must cash in on their talents as soon as possible. For Olympic athletes, the
In his book God Behaving Badly David Lamb examines difficult texts in the Old Testament and tries to answer the hard questions that arise from those readings. In my own examination of Lamb’s God Behaving Badly I will look at a few of the- questions and difficult texts that I found most interesting. Specifically, I will examine Lamb’s response to God 's anger, apparent lack of concern for race and genocide, and violence in the Old Testament, and I will offer my own response.
The use of PEDs is illegal in sports, I believe that it should stay that way. Many athletes have had their lives ruined from PEDs loosing the ones they love or dying themselves, and there are many horrible side effects that include, mental problems, and even death. Also, when someone is taking PEDs and another isn’t in say football then the person who isn’t could get very hurt, in short PEDs should just be dropped out of professional sports. If PEDs stay in professional sports (illegally) then many more people will die. Weather it is from another person or yourself. Having PEDs in professional sports give the athlete side effects that are hard to live with, doesn’t even guarantee that the drugs will work-the risks are high and the chances of it being good are low- they set a bad example for kids and teens around the world who look up to the pro athletes who take PEDs, lastly it will hurt the other athlete or yourself.
Do you feel that PED’s should be allowed in sport? The problem is that players use PED’s or Performance Enhancing Drugs to get an advantage over their opponents. Despite the advances in technology for discovering PED’s, there is still a great number of people who get away with PED’s. Many people continue to use PED’s and will continue to use them until they get caught, and even after they get caught. Performance enhancing drugs should not be allowed in sports, resulting in more fair competition.
PEDs and steroids provide better stamina, stronger muscles, and more muscular endurance. "Society cares because steroid use is a form of cheating. Since steroids work so well, they create an unfair advantage for those who take them, and this breaks the social contract athletes have implicitly agreed to: We are going to have a fair contest. There are things we can and cannot do. Even if there were a safe performance-enhancing substance, if it weren't available to everybody, using it would still be cheating" (Dillingham). The end game will be actions that are increasingly violent, extreme, and meaningless, practiced by a class of chemical and or genetic mutant gladiators. The use of performance-enhancing drugs is not accidental; it is planned and deliberate with the sole objective of getting an unfair
The most commonly discussed issue in sports of the 21st century is the use of performance enhancing drugs by professional athletes. Over the past four years, it has been nearly impossible to turn on the television without hearing something about athletes and these drugs. From former National League MVP Third Baseman Ken Caminiti's admission of steroid use in an issue of Sports Illustrated (Verducci, 2004) to 2006 Tour de France Champion Floyd Landis being stripped of title due to a failed doping test (Blue, 2006) virtually every sport is involved. Are performance enhancing drugs a substance that threatens the very existence of professional sports, or are they the future? Perhaps the issue
Taking Performance Enhancing Drugs makes the athletes phony and doesn’t show true skill and talent. Rather it shows that the athletes taking them don’t believe in themselves and need to have that extra boost in order to show the sporting world what they are “truly” capable of. PEDs should be banned from sports with a no tolerance policy. The consequences should be stricter and the athlete should be banned from the sport for life so that there will be less athletes to take the PEDs for years to
With the ever increasing difficulty of “making it” in professional sports, many athletes look for a way to get ahead of the competition and they find this “power up” in steroids. Whether it be to hit a baseball farther, tackle an opponent harder or run faster, there really isn't a right or wrong answer to why athletes feel the need to take performance enhancing drugs. However, with an increasing danger to the physiological state of these athletes , steroids are becoming in many peoples minds too dangerous to take.. The real question is if these types of performance enhancing drug should be allowed in athletic competition.
One of the easiest methods to justify why consuming performance enhancing substances is wrong is the fact that it is forbidden. Once an individual accepts that he or she will be a part of a community that values particular rules, the respective person automatically agrees to respect those rules and to do everything in his or her power to make sure that fairness dominates the community as a whole. There are basically three arguments reinforcing this ide:
In the article, “Performance Enhancing Drugs, Paternalism, Meritocracy, and Harm to Sports” by Nicholas Dixon, argues that PED 's should remain banned due to the many different medical risks one could develop when taking drugs mostly, anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids might be the most popular performance-enhancing drugs out there today, but most definitely isn 't the only one being used. There are many medical problems associated with these types of steroids, “they include heart disease, cancer, or other damage to the liver, and damage to both males ' and females ' reproductive system” (Dixon, 247). Anabolic steroids affect an athlete both mentally and physically. The psychological damage one may have is an increased aggressiveness and sexual appetite, sometimes resulting in abnormal
Performance Enhancing Drugs(PEDs) shouldn’t be used in sports, because of its adverse health consequences. According to an article called Performance-Enhancing Drugs Can Have Severe Long-Term Impact on Health: Expert, in the long term, PEDs can cause impotence, worsening acne, balding and “steroid rage.” This conveys that if athletes use PEDs there will be serious effects and severe consequence to their health. Also, the drugs aren't subject to government safety standards and could be impure or mislabeled.(Article: Performance-enhancing drugs: Know the risks?) Therefore, the illegal drugs and supplements that the athlete consume are dangerous, damaging and potentially deadly. The drug could be made out of something that gives you a disease or even kills you because it doesn’t meet the government safety