
Pros And Cons Of Nazi Experiments

Decent Essays

There have been many horrific atrocities committed against people since the dawn of civilization. One of these evils happened during World War II when the Nazis were convinced they were the most superior race on the planet. They believed that Jewish people were a “lesser” race compared to them, thus giving them a distorted justification to commit heinous acts again them; the Nazis truly believed the Jews should be annihilated. More commonly known, the Nazis lawfully required people of Jewish descent to “register”, which meant that they had to wear a gold star so everyone in Germany knew they were Jewish, yet they were still allowed to live in their homes. After some time, the Nazis began forcing the Jews to live in concentration camps, which are extremely crowded areas with very inadequate facilities, and they were fed very little, if at all. …show more content…

Once they were no longer able to physically complete their assigned tasks, they were burned alive. Sadly, this was not the worst fate for the Nazi prisoners; some were test subjects in cruel experiments thought up by Nazi doctors. These experiments were conducted solely to improve the Aryan race, and in today’s society they would be considered extremely unethical. Even though valuable data was obtained from these experiments, it’s warranted use is still a very controversial topic in society because the information was obtained so unethically. Not only is the ethical use of the data being questioned, but the validity of the data and the credentials of the doctors involved is also being

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