
Pros And Cons Of In Vitro Fertilization

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Morals or Ethics seem to be interchangeable and when the general public has an idea or thought about morals or ethics they have their own set of rules that show the positive or negative or good and evil. Ethics can be defined as “a system of moral principles”(1). One ethical example would be a person that has values for one particular religion and they believe that their religion is greater or superior to all other religions. This idea is one persons belief but if he or she started to discriminate or hold other people and their religion as different and wrong then it would be considered unethical. One major area of interest that is very controversial is the idea of human cloning. Everyone has their own opinion on why cloning is right or wrong …show more content…

It is used when a males sperm count is low or if a womans Fallopian tubes are blocked. It is probably the most common way to reduce any problems and it is widely used in todays society. Assisted Reproductive Technology has been a breakthrough in science because it helps many people that want to have kids but cannot. Because In Vitro Fertilization is an artificial process, it can cause problems like Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome. This means that the woman’s ovaries get very swollen and painful. The furthest and worst extend of this can lead to the pregnancy being terminated and the woman may become hospitalized(2). Indeed Assisted Reproductive Technology seems to be very beneficial to men and women in society but risks are very high. But people who are unable to conceive are willing to take these risks in order to be able to have children. Assisted Reproductive Technology is a breakthrough in science and although it is controversial it will always be considered a great invention. There will always be ethical methods that are controversial and will have positives and negatives, and the conflicts will remain there throughout the history of the

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