
Pros And Cons Of Human Embryonic Stem Cells

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If you had cancer or you know someone that did and you knew their like could be saved would you ? A development has been issued. Stem cell are a class of undifferentiated cells that are able to differentiate into specialized cell types.
I’m with pros because stem cells can help people that has cancer.
May be a treatment for many cancers because doctors will be able to remove the organs affected by cancers and then use the patient's own stem cells to regrow their organ.
Stem cells can also be used to repair damaged tissues in a process known as regenerative medicine.
Sprinal cord injuries will be able to be treated as a result of using stem cells which can regrow the damaged sprinal cord
How could stem cells contribute to sprinal cord repair? …show more content…

Stem cells contribute to sprinal cord repair by replacing the nerve cells. Generate thats supporting the cell that will reform the insulating nerve sheath(myeth).
Researchers use human embryonic stem cells to kill cancer cells?
The human embryonic stem cell as a part of the immune system, natural killer cells normally are present in the blood stem and indefending the body against infection and against some cancers. Research would lead to a treatment for people new lines would have to be developed.
Repairing the nervous system with stem

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