
Pros And Cons Of Frederick Douglass

Decent Essays

In life, there are times when a person suffers a few setbacks. The question is how do people cope with them? Some turn away from their goals and a few give up, but the ones who persevere often come out on top. Frederick Douglass was a former slave who used his strong will and perseverance to obtain his freedom. Douglass used this for various reasons such as acquiring an education, standing up for himself, and receiving multiple jobs. Education is the key that opens all doors and Douglass knew that in his heart. His master told him that he cannot read and should never be caught reading. Learning would spoil the best nigger in the world… It would forever unfit him to be a slave” (Douglass 945) It is seen here that it is imperative for a slave …show more content…

If anyone is ever in this situation, they must find themselves and continue on their journey. Douglass states, “I was broken in body, soul, and spirit” (Douglass 959). He was left a shadow of his former self, but he continued to persevere. This part represents that even when a person is bruised and battered to the point of physical and mental exhaustion, they can still succeed. If one ever thinks that something is done or incomplete, know that there is always a new opportunity to do something even better. It is when one is the weakest and most vulnerable that their true strength is known. Douglass fought Covey, a slave breaker, and after his fight it was there that “It rekindled the few expiring embers of freedom, and revived within me a sense of my own manhood” (Douglass 963). This part shows that if a person’s spirit is ever dominated by another’s then they have to stand up to it or they will forever be suppressed. A person cannot be passive, but must be active to a great extent. When a person confronts the thing that blocks their path, they shall be rewarded with renewed courage, immense mental strength, and a sense of satisfaction for standing up to what they

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