
Why Is Electronic Voting Wrong

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Virtue Chike-Okeke
Junior Research Period 2
Mr. Larkin
26 October 2017. Electronic Voting Machines Moving away from electronic voting and finding an alternate way to vote that is the most precise and secure course of action.
Voting is the process by which a person or group of people formally express their opinion. In the U.S., a citizen must be at least 18 years for them to vote, and voting is voluntary; a person can’t be forced to vote nor can he or she force anyone person to vote because it is a crime. The laws surrounding voting are different in each state and as such each voter is required to register in the voting precinct in which …show more content…

Also contributing to the margin of error is the fact that many electronic machines don’t keep paper records of the votes that are inputted into the systems, and “Because many of these machines have no paper audit trails, a large number of votes will never be counted,”(Elizabeth Weise). Also having no paper records mean that a ballot can be hacked and changed and no one will know what the original was and have no evidence that it was hacked. Although voting machines have advanced and changed over the decades, many voting booth today still use outdated machines. “Security risks are the number one danger of older technology. The older your operating system or application, the longer the bad guy hackers have to find and exploit vulnerabilities”(Rack Blogger), while officials are still using voting machines from 2000-2004, today.
While electronic voting machines have its fair share of dangerous internal problems, the external problems are seem to make the internal problems seem like childs play. Some of the external problems of electronic voting machines are as follows; physical tampering, which covers how hackers can physically hack the machines why at these voting booth when left alone with these machines, and the problems that those who moniter the machines might face; cyber attacks whether from other countries or

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