
Pros And Cons Of Drug Testing

Decent Essays

Introduction: High schools and middle schools who offer competitive extracurricular activities, such as sports, clubs, or teams, have the option of drug testing students as part of their clearing process. Though not mandated by the state or even the government, some school districts believe it to be a needed criterion, on top of their physical and academic standing in order for students to participate. One such case, in which a school district required drug testing, lead to the court case of the Board of Education of Independent School District No. 92 of Pottawatomie County v. Earls. In 1998, a school district in Tecumseh, Oklahoma adopted the Student Activities Drug Testing Policy (Policy) which “required all middle- and high-school students…to submit urine for drug testing” (Linder). The reasoning behind the drug test was not to restrict students from activities, but instead prevent students from damaging themselves at a young age by abusing substances. The protocol behind this district’s drug test was that a urine sample must be collected in the presence of a teacher, who would stand outside of the stall, while the student would be behind closed doors. A teacher would be present to ensure that the student could not tamper with their sample. If their results were negative of any drug, they were cleared to participate in their extracurricular, but if their results came back positive, then the student would be sent to a drug counselor and would be reevaluated at a later

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