
Pros And Cons Of Being A Military Spouse

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Being a military spouse is not an easy way of life. Our service members face several hardships when abroad, while we on the home front deal with the everyday duties indicative of a couple in their stead. Sometimes in their absence we face hardships, but we cannot express it. We have to put on a brave face and pretend all is well, so when given the chance to speak to our service member they are not worried about our well-being. This is vital in ensuring that they are able to keep their focus on the mission at hand. There is also the unfortunate reality that our service members may never return home. When we see that government vehicle slowly driving down the street, the one no military spouse wants to see, and we get that knock on the door, we know that our service member is not returning home.
However, despite all the adversity we face or the tragedies we experience, we are a strong breed. As a result, being a military spouse has made me resilient and adaptable to change. It has also allowed me the opportunity to meet new people on a consistent basis, and to make personal …show more content…

As a result, each individual I have come into contact with over the years has taught me something about their culture and I in turn have taught them something about mine. Through these experiences, I have learned that each individual I meet leaves an imprint on me. This has helped to shape me into the person that I am today. Having an understanding of others is a key aspect in interpreting human behavior. Therefore, when you can understand an individual’s behavior you are able communicate more effectively with them. Through my unique lifestyle, I have been fortunate to have met and understood more people than the average person. As a result, these experiences have helped to shape my perspective into what it is today; a world traveled one full of understanding and receptivity. As such, this is the unique perceptive I bring to the

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