
Proposal On Early Childhood Education

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Proposal essay first draft Early childhood education lays the foundation for future success. Therefore, primary education is a basic right that every child should be entitled to. However, in sub-Saharan Africa, one in five children received a primary education in the past and the proportions have considerably increased now to 59%. But even with this considerable increase to children who receive a primary education, literacy rates haven’t improved due to the inadequate quality of education. Therefore, lack of an adequate primary education is a problem in sub-Saharan Africa because it causes low literacy rates that harm the overall welfare of those countries and it could be best solved with a better internal education system and some external monetary aid. The proportion of children who are enrolled in primary schools has increased from 49% to 77% in the past decade in sub-Saharan Africa. This increase in enrollment is due mostly to the initiative of the governments from these regions to improve universal primary education. However, much remains to be done because even though enrollment has been made a possibility in a lot of these countries, there are a lot of other variables at play that still prevent children from receiving a quality education. Things such as poverty, cultural traditions, gender violence, and the incidence of early marriage are a major reason for disadvantaged groups, particularly poor girls, not making as much progress in enrolling

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