
Propaganda Posters

Decent Essays

As a way to justify the war many countries used propaganda posters. This helped fund the war as well as recruit new soldiers. I chose the propaganda posters that used women as means to make the men feel guilty, or maybe feel like they were honoring their family. These posters from the Library of Congress show many different perspectives. The posters are from two different years and you could interpret each one differently. It shows how the war changed in two years. In the poster titled ‘“Women of Britain say---“Go!”’ shows the women watching their men march away. This photo was taken in 1915, which shows how the women felt about war. In the poster called “Gee!! I wish I were a man, I’d join the Navy” shows that the women wanted to be a part of the war. This shows maybe they were tired of being at home and feeling like they weren’t contributing. This poster was created in 1917 which was two years after my previous poster and as you can see women have changed how they see war. It was obvious that they used women in couple different ways to guilt or persuade men into entering the war. I will try to compare the differences and similarities in how they show this in the pictures. It …show more content…

In the poster with the family looking on as the men marched off to war it could have been portrayed to guilt the men into going. If the men didn’t want to march off to war it made the women feel that they didn’t care about them. Therefore, they would feel less pride and security. Furthermore, in the other poster they guilted the men by saying at the bottom of the poster, “Be a Man and Do It”. I am sure this made the men feel they had to because if they didn’t they would be considered less of a man. This wasn’t just in the public eyes but in the family’s eyes as well. How could you live with yourself if you knew other men and women were fighting for your freedom while you were

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