
Project Nim

Decent Essays

The psychological phenomenon explored in the film Project Nim is Chimpanzees language acquisition. For decades, psychologists have explored the question as to whether chimps can learn a human language. It is thought that one of the basic differences in language between humans and animals is to ability to perceive and process speech. There are said to be many differences in human and animal’s communication such as the meaning, structure and adaptability of language. However, now scientist believe that common ancestors evolve with the capacity of speech and it’s due to exposure to language not the innate ability.

Project Nim is a documentary of the life story of a chimpanzee called Nim Chimsky. film aimed to discover whether a chimp could …show more content…

Evidence of this ability in chimpanzees was the poignant reaction of Washoe to the news of her baby’s death and Kanzi’s execution of instructions from trainers. However, there is limited evidence of sentence comprehension and productivity as evidence suggests chimps learn to perform appropriate actions not grammatical rules which is an element of language unique to humans. Sentence production so not justify any sophisticated claims about linguistic ability of apes.

Pearce (2008) provides explanations as to why animals may nor develop language. for example, humans have a unique language acquisition device to develop language and word grammar. Also, animals lack the evolutionary motivation as they do not need language to survive and do not have the cognitive ability of a language brain structure to compered and understand order.
In the Film project Nim the validity of the study is disrupted as Terrace ( ) argues that all ape language studies including project Nim were based on misinformation. Data from other studies correspond with the view that there is no evidence of an ape's ability to use a grammar however could use fragments of sign language.

A Clockwork …show more content…

He is eventually imprisoned and involved in rehabilitation via controversial psychological conditioning. In the film Alex is injected each day with a drug that is designed to cause extreme nausea. He is then strapped to a chair and forced to watch a series of extremely violent movies, including everything from rapes to genocide. As he watches the films he begins to feel nauseas from the injections. Resulting in successful classical conditioning and aversion therapy. Alex now associates any form of violence with feeling ill therefore rehabilitating him.

Many studies evaluate the effectiveness of this therapy. For instance, Jan ter Mors et al (2012) admitted aversion therapy on a 40 year old man who sustained a serve traumatic brain injury in a traffic accident leaving him with server cognitive impairments including aggression and inappropriate sexual behaviour. Results concluded a significant reduction in target behaviour and inappropriate sexual behaviour due to brain damage. Therefore, can be considered as an effective form of treatment for these criteria which supports the claims made in the

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