
Project Management : Pitfalls Of The 1989 Denver Airport

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Pitfalls of the 1989 Denver Airport
The 1989 Denver Airport project was necessary to replace Denver’s antiquated airport with a modern facility. This would significantly reduce passenger turnaround time. This project has been considered a major failure when it comes to project management. One could argue that this project failed in all aspects; from planning, to design, to implementation; the project was doomed from the start. According to Kirk Johnson, a Chief Editor for the New York Times, “[d]ecentralization and mobile computing technology have taken over just about everything, allowing airlines, warehouse operators and shippers like FedEx to learn with just a few clicks the whereabouts of an item in motion, a feature that was supposed to be a chief strength of the baggage system” (Denver Airport Saw the Future. It Didn't Work, 2005.). With so many points failure, it is hard to focus on what caused the project to fail, but what we know is that a project of that magnitude required much more planning.
Initial Issues
One of the first pitfalls with the Denver Airport was the lack of projected time. This was a very complex project that required much more time and planning than the amount allotted by the project management team. The BAE project offer was accepted because it had a significantly shorter deadline than the other three offers. While the project management team at BAE was convinced the project could have been completed in their proposed timeframe,

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