
Project Implicit Association Study

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By visiting the website called Project Implicit, I was able to take part in a study by participating in an online implicit association test otherwise known as IAT. This specific IAT asks participants to make a distinction between faces of people who are young and old. According to this website, the results for this specific test usually indicate that Americans prefer the faces of young people rather than old. After personally completing this IAT, my data suggest that I strongly prefer the faces of young people over old people. After providing consent, participants are asked to make distinctions as fast as they can between the faces of young verses old people and good versus bad words. Additionally, participants are asked questions about their personal opinions, beliefs, attitudes, and other standard demographic questions. Overall, this …show more content…

This means that I was faster at sorting images of younger faces and good words. Like mentioned before, most Americans usually prefer the faces of young people rather than old. One reason that it could have been easier for me to sort young people and good words is because I am currently a young adult. Additionally, the world that we currently live in today stresses that is it much more desirable to be young instead of old. We tend to associate being young with positive aspects such as great physical performance, good health, and no wrinkles. In conclusion, it is definitely clear that implicit preferences happen often in every day life. We are surrounded by individuals that constantly make decisions based on their unconscious judgments toward people and objects. One of these unconscious judgments happens to revolve around the way we act toward young and old people. I think it is beneficial for participants to partake in this experiment so that they can become conscious of their unconscious attitudes and

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