The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on the practice called Project Close-Out and to describe the practice overview, requirements, best practices, activities, and key terms related to these requirements. In addition, templates relevant to this practice are provided at the end of this guide.
Practice Overview
The practice of project close-out finalizes all project activities completed across all phases of the project to formally close the project and transfer the completed or cancelled project as appropriate. The purpose of project closeout is to assess the project, ensure completion, and derive any lessons learned and best practices to be applied to
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Lessons learned and comments regarding project assessment should be documented, presented, and openly discussed with the intent of eliminating the occurrence of avoidable issues on future projects.
Conduct Post-Project Review and Evaluation
A post-project review provides a record of the history of a project. It provides written documentation of the planned and actual budget, the baseline and actual schedule, and documents recommendations for other projects of similar size and scope.
The table of contents should include the following items:
• Project organization including staffing and skills
• Schedules, WBS
• Successful risk assessment and mitigation techniques, e.g. what risks occurred and what techniques were used to mitigate these risks
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Processes used for configuration management and quality assurance
General techniques used for project communication
General techniques for managing customer expectations
Short-tem success factors and how they were met
Financial data
Culture or environment
Lessons learned
Recommendations to future project managers
Be certain to identify in the report the project successes, problems on the project, and new ideas that were successful on the project. Make recommendations on how these processes might be
The major purpose of the Project Closure Report is to inform the stakeholders as to why the project is closing; is it complete or not; has the budget been expended; did it fail or was it terminated for other reasons? The closure report can efficiently cover the information that is pertinent to the Project Sponsor and the Project Manager without being long and drawn out with excessive details.
Now that you have completed your project, you need to look back at your proposal and compare it with your finished product. You need to answer the following questions as completely and honestly as possible.
Description of the impetus for proposed project, clear demonstration or statement of current practice (i.e. environmental scan) the gap or need identified, and detail of perceived value of project outcome.
The project had regular meetings with the team members. These meetings were used to evaluate the progress of the project. At these meetings we evaluated the project. We also discussed how to proceed in order to plan our upcoming activities.
This particular case is related to chapter 14 of our textbook. This chapter deals with project closure or what to do when your project is done. Although here
Team members who were excited by the project in its early stages may find it difficult to maintain their focus to complete the project. They might already be looking forward to the next project. Bringing a project to an end requires a different management style that focuses on details as well as an analysis of the decisions that were made.
Introduction What information should I include? – Background to the project – Business and Research Objectives – Target audience – Approach – Deliverables – Timings – Budget – Project Team – Next Steps
A project may close for various reasons like the achievement of its primary objective. From the beginning, the business should know its criteria for closure, the existing difference between the uncompleted and completed project as well as stopping a project from always dragging. The closure of a project consist of verification of the criteria for closing a project, project evaluation report verification as well as close out transition checklist of the project. This enables the managers to check out whether these documents have been compiled and archived into the files of the project well so as to retain the information needed for use in future undertakings.
This report will consist of the recommended sections a project plan should possess. These sections include a framework, necessary
might include whether or not the project is a mandate, the value it brings to the
3. Your project should be presented in report format and should contain an Executive Summary and a Bibliography. Use of Appendices would be appropriate.
What is project failure? The impacts of project failure? The Top 10 problems that result in project failure • The cause of the problem • How to fix the problem • How to prevent the problem from happening again
Project description -provide a brief description of the project. A project description should be written so that anyone unfamiliar with the project can read and understand what the project is about. Include a brief description of the organisation and the problem or opportunity that led to initiating the project.
The paper is divided into three sections, the first of which will establish a timeline of events. This project background will serve as a case study for the analysis in the following section that will be structured such that each of the previously mentioned facets will be independently analyzed and contrasted with project management principles. Finally the paper will conclude with a summary of the analysis and recommendations based on
This to guarantee that the Report of the Project submitted is the result of the