
Progressive Era Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

Just before the 1900s, the United States entered a period of great progress. The nation had many growing cities and factory production increased. The Gilded Age (1870-1900) was just before the Progressive Era, although this period was an age of movement, it would spark issues like inequality for much of the population who didn't have the chance/rights to prosper. With jobs growing within the Gilded Age, this would introduce workforce issues like the dangerous workplace in return for low pay. Industry workers were paid so little that much of America was under the poverty line. This poor treatment of workers would bring nearly 10,000 labor strikes in the 1880s, this led to greater danger and violence. After such an intense period of time, President Mickinley was …show more content…

To regulate these trusts, Teddy would take down the bad ones and protect or restrain the good ones (Doc 1). Roosevelt’s reason for taking down the bad trusts was because they took advantage of workers and cheated or hurt the public. He also felt that good trusts were the ones that were efficient and reasonable within their business. Bad trusts were dissolved because of the corruption that had been going on. The good trusts were for the benefit of the people, therefore, Teddy had no intention of picking them apart. Roosevelt felt that the rich who ran the big trusts were sitting pretty, dealing with more money than they knew what to do with while the masses were roughing it. There seemed to be no limit to greed, which is why he took such great action. The final effective progressive movement was women's voting rights. Women would start a suffrage movement in the beginning of the mid-19th century. Supporters of women's voting rights lectured, wrote, marched, and practiced civil disobedience to protest against women and African American males not having rights to vote in the

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