
Professional Occupations In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Frankenstein is a very well known tale about a creature who is created by a scientist. In this case it is a tale told and written by Mary Shelley. A group of friends that Mary was part of decided to entertain themselves one rainy day. While reading a book of ghost stories on this day, someone suggested that they all should try their hand at writing their own horror story. This led to Mary creating what would become her most famous novel, Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus. However, at this time period , Women were not known to be hardworking and/or successful in professional occupations. This analysis will show how differently women were treated during the 1700-1800’s often being relegated to strictly household duties and not given fair …show more content…

While Victor’s mother was on her deathbed, she tells her children that she can see that they will have bright futures even without her being alive. As Elizabeth reflects on her aunt’s death, she states “she determined to fulfil her duties with the greatest exactness ; and she felt that that most imperious duty, of rendering her uncle and cousins happy, had devolved on her”. This quote expresses the “duties” that were left to Elizabeth that consisted her to please the older men and care for the younger siblings. This proves that women weren’t pushed to be anything great, as men were. Instead they were used as household objects to maneuver around the works of …show more content…

Mary Wollstonecraft, was a well known feminist who made the famous book “ The Vindication Of The Rights Of Women”. In this book, Mary Wollstonecraft made some very good points and even related to the topic of women’s rights very well. She states “And if it be granted, that woman was not created merely to gratify the appetite of men, nor to be the upper servant, who provides his meals and takes care of his linen” She continues , switching the focus to women “ it must follow, that the first care of those mothers or fathers, who really attend to the education of females, should be, if not to strengthen the body, at least, not to destroy the constitution by mistaken notions of beauty and female excellence”. This quote reflects on how strong of a voice Mary Wollstonecraft was in an age when women most often did not have a voice. It also explains that women are just as powerful as men or even more powerful. If women must be considered to do the things that men lack to do then women should be given the credits for doing so. Women were not made to cater men but to maintain the house in the same way as men. Mary Shelley and her mother both believed in this

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