
Professional Development Providers Are Agencies That Offer Professional Learning Opportunities

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Professional development providers are agencies that offer professional learning opportunities to teachers on a variety of topics. They often play a key role in reform efforts in education by introducing teachers to new policy demands and teaching new pedagogical strategies (Knapp, 2003; Little, 1993). A wide range of organizations provide PD services, from districts to nonprofits, commercial firms, and universities (Coburn, 2005b; Coburn, Buchanan, & Morel, 2015; Little, 1989). Much of the research on professional development focuses on determining the features that make professional development effective—that is, which features of PD engender changes in practices in the classroom and the impact student outcomes (Knapp, 2003). This stream …show more content…

By providing learning opportunities for educators, PD providers introduce new policies to teachers and provide strategies for implementing changes (Knapp 2003; Little, 1993). Since they interface with teachers, they have the ability to shape and interpret ideas about a policy. Coburn (2005b; 2006), for example, has shown that professional development providers actively filter, frame, and interpret the meaning of reforms as they present them to teachers. The nature of the framing impacts how teachers understand and implement the demands of new policies. Outside of this research, little attention has been paid to PD providers as a group of actors operating in the educational environment. Consequently, we know little about the inner workings of the professional development sector. There is little empirical evidence about the actors and organizations involved in providing PD (Coburn et al., 2015 is an exception) or the ideas they are promoting. Furthermore, we know almost nothing about the nature of social relationships among professional development providers and how they interact to share and promote ideas. While we know that ideas matter in the implementation process and that PD providers have the potential to shape the ideas teachers encounter, there are no studies to date that explore how PD providers promote and share ideas about new policy efforts. In response to the CCSS-M,

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