
Production Cycle of a Dairy Cow

Decent Essays

The dairy cow has four main stages to its production cycle; these are early lactation, mid lactation, late lactation and the drying off period. The production cycle of the dairy cow is shown in diagram 1 below. Diagram 1, the production cycle of a dairy cow. As you can see the dairy cow should be in milk for around 305 days a year and have a drying off period of around 60 days. After calving the cow should be back in calf after 85 days, this is to keep the ratio of 1 calf/ cow/ year. This ratio will get the highest yield out of the cow and keep a good profit margin for the farmer. The cow will produce differing yields of milk throughout the year; the yield will follow what is called a lactation curve as seen below in diagram 2. …show more content…

Thin cows will have inadequate energy reserves to sustain them through the lactation which means the farmer will loose money. To minimize the N.E.B the cow should be in the correct body condition before calving down, a score of 3.0 is appropriate. If the cow is too fat the she will not have the appetite to eat in early lactation which will affect the peak milk yield. It is key that the food intake is maximized post calving therefore the cow should have ad libitum access to forage at all time, the forage should also be of a high quality in early lactation, this is not as important when you move down the cycle. To overcome any limitations of forage concentrates like Molasses and Maize should also be used. A good concentrate mix for a dairy cow should contain starch sources of varying degradabilites, Molasses is rapidly degradable source while maize is a slowly degradable source of starch. There are two methods for feeding concentrates, in parlour and out of parlour. In parlour feeding systems the parlours are fitted with concentrate dispensing hoppers which dispense into the feed manger. A cow will receive 5kg per milking while a heifer will receive 4kg per milking. Out of parlour feeding is where feed is given out by transponders, in small amounts very often. Picture 1 shows an in parlour feeder system.

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