
Product Placement Examples

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Product placement refers to the media strategy of paying to have verbal or visual brand exposure in a movie or television show. In other words the product is not a part of the storyline but rather simply just present in the current scene. Product Integration is a variation of product placement and has implied endorsements. This refers to when the product has become a part of the storyline so much so that characters talk about it by name and the product creates conflict in the characters day to day life. Product placement is a natural, non-intrusive element of the narrative of a program. For example if a box of Oreo cookies sits on a table in full view of the camera while the characters are engaging in conversation, that is seen as product placement. Product integration is when the product becomes a part of the storyline. So if that same box of Oreo cookies is sitting on the table in full …show more content…

An example of product placement would be the most famous of all during the movie E.T with the product Reecis Pieces. The product was never spoken of it simply was used to lure E.T out from under the bed. Another example is from the movie Home Alone, when the Budget Rent-a-Truck made an appearance in order to help Kevin's mother get home. An example of product integration would be during the airing of American Idol. The large red Coca-Cola cups that sat on the judges table are seen as product integration. This is due to the fact that they were paid to be there and at times they would discuss the cups and drink from them as well while filming went on. Another example of product integration on American Idol was when the host would say after each contestant finished signing "to vote use AT&T Wireless" fans would submit votes if and only if they had AT&T wireless. Another example of product integration would be the pair of blue Manolo Blahniks during one of the Sex in the City movies. One of the main characters loses the show and spends part of the film

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