
Process Essay: The Importance Of Coach Pennington

Decent Essays

Coach Pennington was determined during basketball games like you should be determined in anything you do. Coach Pennington was dedicated to win, you should be dedicated to finishing something like homework. Coach pennington had passion in everything he does And you should too.
Respect is something earned not given. Treat others the way you want to be treated is a form of respect. You should respect the army men and women that fight for this country because freedom is not free. I respect my uncle because he fought in the Iraq war. You should respect your teachers because they spend their time trying to teach you. You need to respect your coaches because they push you to do your best and they want you to be good at many things in life. In conclusion …show more content…

Develop an attitude of gratitude and be thankful for what others do for you. If you lie cheat and steal you are not showing gratitude and don't take advantage of others. You need to learn to apologize to someone when you are not honest with them. In conclusion showing gratitude can be really effective in your life and in others.
Self-discipline is very important in life. If you have self-discipline you are training yourself. You need to be in control of your words, actions,impulses and desires. You need to play by the rules and deal peacefully with anger,insults, and disagreement. You need to think before you do something stupid. You need to take pride in caring for yourself. In conclusion self-discipline is very good and you need to have self-discipline in your life.
Showing citizenship can be good in life. You need to show citizenship to people in your home, in your school, and in your neighborhood. You can show citizenship by keeping up with events and supporting this country. As Bainbridge Colby once spoke “the test of good citizenship is loyalty to this country.” You should understand the rights and responsibilities as a member of this country. In conclusion you need to show citizenship in everyday

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