
Problem Areas Nonnative Speakers of English Often Have with Pronunciation and How to Overcome These Problems

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Pronunciation is an essential part of language. According to Fries (1945), the main problem in learning a new language is not the vocabulary but it is instead the mastery of the sound system, which is to understand the stream of speech and to hear distinctive sound features. Pronunciation is important to avoid misunderstandings when communicating. It is seen as a prerequisite for the development of speaking skill (Celce-Murcia & Goodwin, 1991). Pronunciation, according to Microsoft Encarta 2007, means “the way in which a sound, word, or language is articulated, especially in conforming to an accepted standard”. According to Hinofotis and Bailey (1981, as cited by Celce-Murcia and Goodwin, 1991), one will not be able to …show more content…

Word stress is important in English since misunderstandings can occur because of mistakes in word stress. Stressing on wrong points in English sometimes makes words in English meaningless. For example, if one is given two words “metal” and “motel” with stress on the second syllable, it will be pronounced /mә'tæl/ and /ma:tәl/. When this pronunciation is applied in a sentence like, “I carried the metal to the motel”, then the sentence becomes confusing and meaningless.
Another feature of the English language that should be noted by nonnative speakers is that pronouncing the same word with stresses on different syllables can alter the meaning of the word. For example, if the word “permit’ is stressed on the first syllable, it will become noun, and if on the second syllable, the word becomes a verb.
According to Mennen (2006), second language learners often have problems placing stresses at the correct syllable, especially in the beginning of the learning process. This is because some languages do not use stress much and some, like Japanese and French, none at all (, 2007). This means that each syllable of words is pronounced with equal emphasis. It would be difficult for the nonnative speakers to identify which syllable should be stressed or not. This will lead to misunderstandings when speaking to native speakers as they usually listen to the stresses to understand the real message conveyed.
The final problem that has been

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