An officer is considered negligence if an officer fails to do which is reasonably prudent. If a parole or probation officer know that a client is about to commit a crime and fail to do something about they can and will be held negligence. An officer can be held liable and or responsible if when a probation and parole officers fail to their job and can be held civilly liable for their actions. Because probation and parole officers are government official According to_ they are like police, judge, and prosecutors, they are entitled to different types of legal protection so that are comfortable exercising desecration without fear of being personally sued over the actions of clients under their supervision. The type of immunity that officers have
If an officer pulled over someone for drunk driving and knows they are, but lets them go on their way and they get in a car accidnet they are just as liable. They are called for a fear and to diffuse the chaos of a domestic violence. They have to make sure all parties are safe.
With the ruling of the Monroe v. Pape case in 1961, it held the local governments could now he held liable in federal courts. It would have to be proven that there was a violation of an individuals' constitutional rights and that the damage had been committed in violation to a policy or custom of that local government. The main causes for liability come from allegations of non or improper performance of their duties and responsibilities however, negligence does not always amount to criminal negligence. Probation officers (PO), working on behalf of the state, are only immune if it can be proven that their actions were in good faith.
In the United States today if you as an officer put either you or your department in a liability, for any type of act that is not warranted and handled in a professional manner you are opening yourself for a number of different actions which could hurt both you, your department as well as causing you to loss everything that you own, just because you decided to not following proper protocals which were developed for you department.
Finally, the Department of Juvenile Justice is gunned in a formal organizational structure because it utilizes specific rules and regulations. These rules and regulations are DJJ’s policies on what to follow. For example, the Department keeps a Probation and Community Intervention Handbook at every desk. This handbook outlines the rules, responsibilities, and regulations that each Officer must follow for Juvenile Probation. Every Probation Officer has certain daily operational guidelines on what needs to be done. Both on duty and off duty, it is up to all of the staff of the Department to work under the handbook’s specific regulations.
For those who work in the federal probation system, there are many skills needed. The knowledge used by these individuals and the abilities they can offer to their field are vital if they are going to be successful in what they do and in caring for offenders who are on probation and need to be monitored closely but also treated with respect and decency. Probation and supervision are not the only areas where these individuals are needed, however, because they can also work in pretrial services, corrections, counseling, and case management. The skills they use in one of those disciplines often transfer over to other disciplines, but not every individual is good at more than one area of work. The environment in which these workers operate is one of pressure and stress, and that environment is always changing. That makes it something worth focusing on and working for, and also shows just how dynamic the workers must be in order to remain calm in the face of stressful events and situations with which they must deal - often on a daily basis.
Your paper was clear and informative, it provided detailed information regarding your focus of the topic. In my opinion, probation and correctional officers share some similarities pertaining to their clients and also their needs. Both officers should be able overtime, to provide information pertaining to the needs of that individual. However, due to the work settings, probation officers have more lead way and resources to assist clients. I believe that with patience, time, and good interpersonal skills, a probation officer can successfully connect and assist their clients
The duties of a probation and parole officer are pretty universal nationwide and an officer must carry a high ethical standard in order to be successful at the job as well as values such as honesty, fairness, and consideration of others. Probation is an alternative that permits the offender to live among society with certain restrictions that are ordered by the courts. When prisons are overcrowded, an offender can be granted parole and they are given the opportunity to finish their sentence and live in society, with restrictions. Probation and parole officers both strive for the same goals: aid in rehabilitation, supervise, and protect the community as well
Probation and parole officers both supervise the person and making sure they do everything that is expected of them. (vacode)
A parole officer has a dual role and “is responsible for protecting the community" as well as helping the parolee "to reintegrate into the community" (CDCR's Division of Adult Parole Operations, n.d.). If an offender is ordered to supervision rather than prison- they would be under the supervision of a probation officer. Normally, a probation officer "performed both rehabilitative and law enforcement functions" (Nieto, 1996). According to the, "probation strives to protect the community through rehabilitation of the offender"(Nieto, 1996).
The two topics that piqued my interest were found in Chapter 3 and 4. I chose these topics because it was discussed briefly and I wanted to know more about it. I find these topics interesting. The two topics should be addressed more within the concept of correction.
Regardless of the personal view of the client, the fact remains that as a probation officer certain responsibilities are expected for the offender. However, as a probation officer, if a drug test reveals the client is using marijuana, which is a violation, they would be given one warning only. As a condition of granting probation or parole, they will be informed of the conditions of probation or parole in writing and a drug test would be given every week. Furthermore, if there are reasonable grounds to believe that a person has violated the conditions of probation sentencing a second time, the courts will be informed and the offender remanded. In the event, the offender tries to avoid reporting for or consent to weekly drug testing, other
Merriam Webster defines equilibrium as “a state in which opposing forces or actions are balanced so that one is not stronger or greater than the other.” Why, then, have we as humans not applied this law to the relationships of opposing sexes? Furthermore, why has it not been applied, in reference to equal pay? In 2016, my wage as a female is still a mere 79 cents to the dollar a male makes; just a mere 2 cent increase from 2006, according to the National Committee on Pay Equality. That’s a freaking decade people! So, why is the equilibrium still not a constant, in our modern society?
The probation office has also reaped the rewards of halfway houses. Inmates that are released from prison, they will usually be required to have supervision by a probation officer. In the past when a felon violated a condition of their probation, there were very few ways to punish that person, and those punishments usually
I believe that there will always be a contrast in some aspect of probation and parole especially when it comes to balancing roles and styles of supervision. “Many feel that the true "professional" finds a way of integrating various role expectations, balancing them, and weighing the appropriateness of various expressions of the roles. It is probable that the treatment-surveillance dichotomy will remain forever.”(Latessa, 2015, p.211). To conclude, officers can directly impact the outcome of an offender on probation or parole by getting involved more with providing assistance where the offender lacks the resources to do so. For example, rather than referrals to certain programs, offenders who are considered high-risk can be given extensive counseling on drug and alcohol abuse which could help them get the necessary attention they need. Another discretionary decision a PO can make in regards to high-risk offenders is counseling on marital and family relationships, educational goals, and employment strategies. Although probation and parole are supervisions that are prescribed during different phases of the correctional experience they are both about rehabilitation which is the intent and aim for the PO assigned to a
Probation and parole are an important part of the criminal justice process, and both are