
Pro Photography Research Paper

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At the dawn of the 21st century, digital cameras began shifting away from professional users and started trickling down into the consumer market, and as time passed, nearly everyone had a camera. Whether it was a simple point and shoot, or a higher end DSLR, people began obsessing over the convenience of these light, inexpensive cameras that took incredible shots, not to mention their ease of use. As these cameras became more accessible, many photographers with much less experience began flooding into the scene as well. These newbies were eagerly looking for work and were also willing to offer their services for a fraction of what the pros asked for in terms of pricing. So, people began steering away from the pricier market and began to adopt …show more content…

With this, you’ll get a blurry background and an isolated sharp subject. A photo taken using this technique is often extremely appealing to the viewer, and unfortunately for the pros, it isn’t too hard for a beginner to learn. With a 200 dollar investment, anyone's images can look more professional, even without much thought put into the composition. Pro photographers love to talk about this when asked about what makes their images different because, in their mind, a perfect picture is not just based on its technical qualities, but one “that tells that story, is technically sound, and [one] that nobody else has” (Dedicated, Nikon). Some pictures taken by less experienced photographers do not follow that definition by any means, but clients still like them! So while the newbie photographers were out taking jobs, pro photographers were busy writing articles about how the camera strongly influences the photographer’s image. Now there are some people out there who say any camera can take great images, and this may be true in some instances, but usually when pictures taken with a point and shoot are paired with pictures taken with a DSLR, the DSLR’s photo will always look better. The truth is people just care about quality more than the composition in a

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