
Private vs. Public Healthcare.

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In Canada, a lot of debate has been raised in the last few years over the issue of "two-tier" healthcare. The public system is struggling, and there is a debate going on over whether or not private hospitals should be permitted. Universal healthcare is very cherished in Canada, but conservatives argue that introducing a private system will improve the burden on the public system. Those who oppose say that the creation of a two-tier system will result in one system that is better then the other, attracting the best doctors and the best equipment, and that those who can't afford private or do not wish to pay will only be able to obtain second-rate healthcare. Why should Canadians not have choices regarding the time, place, and nature of …show more content…

On the contrary, the people of the United States do not come across the problem of long waiting lists. The average American cancer patient waits no more than ten days for radiation therapy while Canadians typically wait four times that long.5 An MRI scan in the United States can be had after an average wait of four days and in Canada one hundred and fifty.6 Health care promptness keeps declining in Canada, not only because of government cuts, but also because many health care professionals move south, where they can work in the most technologically advanced hospitals on the planet making higher wages.

In addition to the mile-long waiting lists, the idealism of universal health care has also left Canada with problems, one problem being, having basic technology and machinery, when it could be advanced. Although Canada is the fifth highest among OECD countries in terms of total spending on health, it is generally among the bottom third of OECD countries in availability of technology.7 The local comparison is equally unfavourable. CT scanners, nuclear medicine facilities, MRIs, lithotriptors, positron emission tomography, specialized intensive-care facilities, and cardiac catheter labs are all less likely to be found at a community hospital in Canada than at a similar hospital in the United States. Angioplasty and transplant facilities

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