
Private Sectors And A Public Sector

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Two private sectors and a public sector were selected for collecting data for this entire study. In those the first stage data were collected in the form of participant observation ,which carried out from Medical trust hospital (private sector), Kochi and Medical college hospital (public sector, Thiruvanathapuram. In the second stage, the participants were recruited for semi-structured interviews from Cosmopolitan Hospital (private sector), Thiruvanathapuram and Medical college hospital; the same hospital from which the data collected in the first stage (Medical college Hospital). By selecting the two different sectors (public and private) provide an opportunity to observe the interaction between patients from different social status …show more content…

The department official opening time from Monday to Saturday from 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM.

2) Medical trust Hospital(MTH)
The MTH is a 750 bed multi-speciality private hospital situated at Kochi since 1973. Kochi is one of the five largest cities in south India. Kochi is situated on the coast of the Arabian Sea and it is known as ‘the queen of Arabian see’. It is one of the most densely populated cities in south India. It has physiotherapy department, started in the year 2005. A total number of 12 physiotherapist working in that department for treating both inpatient and outpatient. The out patient department is situated at the ground floor of the hospital. It has a waiting area, near to waiting area private cabin of head of the department consultation cabin and an open area for exercise. Mainly three physiotherapist, including department head, one senior therapist and one junior therapist; and two internship students were handling the patient came to the outpatient department of MTH. However, the other inpatient physiotherapist were also allocated to outpatient department to help in busy situations. In addition to that when the outpatient physiotherapist went for break, the inpatient physiotherapist will allocate temporarily to handle the out patients. Majority of the patient attend the physiotherapy outpatient department were referred by the specialised doctors (orthopaedic, neurology

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