Two private sectors and a public sector were selected for collecting data for this entire study. In those the first stage data were collected in the form of participant observation ,which carried out from Medical trust hospital (private sector), Kochi and Medical college hospital (public sector, Thiruvanathapuram. In the second stage, the participants were recruited for semi-structured interviews from Cosmopolitan Hospital (private sector), Thiruvanathapuram and Medical college hospital; the same hospital from which the data collected in the first stage (Medical college Hospital). By selecting the two different sectors (public and private) provide an opportunity to observe the interaction between patients from different social status …show more content…
The department official opening time from Monday to Saturday from 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM.
2) Medical trust Hospital(MTH)
The MTH is a 750 bed multi-speciality private hospital situated at Kochi since 1973. Kochi is one of the five largest cities in south India. Kochi is situated on the coast of the Arabian Sea and it is known as ‘the queen of Arabian see’. It is one of the most densely populated cities in south India. It has physiotherapy department, started in the year 2005. A total number of 12 physiotherapist working in that department for treating both inpatient and outpatient. The out patient department is situated at the ground floor of the hospital. It has a waiting area, near to waiting area private cabin of head of the department consultation cabin and an open area for exercise. Mainly three physiotherapist, including department head, one senior therapist and one junior therapist; and two internship students were handling the patient came to the outpatient department of MTH. However, the other inpatient physiotherapist were also allocated to outpatient department to help in busy situations. In addition to that when the outpatient physiotherapist went for break, the inpatient physiotherapist will allocate temporarily to handle the out patients. Majority of the patient attend the physiotherapy outpatient department were referred by the specialised doctors (orthopaedic, neurology
Monday: 3:00PM - 10:00PM, Tuesday: 2:45PM - 12:30AM, Wednesday: 5:00PM - 10:50PM, Thursday: 4:30PM - 7:55PM, Friday: 6:15PM - 2:45AM, Saturday: 5:00AM - 11:30AM, Sunday: 6:30AM -
Monday - Friday / 4 - 6 Hours Saturday & Sunday / 6 - 10 Hours
Working hours are job specific and will vary based on the season, weather, and job priority. Primarily the standard working hours will be 6:00 am until 3:00 pm, with general working hours between 8 and 10.
The Voluntary Sector is often referred to as the Third Sector or ‘Not for Profit’ Sector. Whist they do not exist to provide profit for shareholders, they need to generate income.
We are opened 6 days a week, from 9:30-5:15 during Monday to Thursday and Sunday. We are opened half day during Friday from 9:30-2:15 and close on Saturday, so we can blend in with the Israeli culture because those days are the time of the Shabbat. Shabbat is a Jewish holiday and it is the day of rest. It begins at sundown on Friday and ends sundown on Saturday. During this
On a macro level, public administration and business management are similar in their overall functions. “At the broadest level, some organizational theorists contend that administration is administration whatever its setting, and that the problems of organizing people, leading them and supplying them with resources to do their jobs are always the same (Kettl, 2012, p. 38).” In his paper, “Public and Private Management: Are They Fundamentally Alike in All Unimportant Respects?,” Graham T. Allison explains that in comparing public and administration and business management, “it is possible to identify a set of general management functions (Allison, 2012, p. 4).” Regardless of their end goal, each administration must form strategies by setting goals, priorities and creating procedures. Public and private organizations must manage internal components by organizing staff, defining job responsibilities, hiring and managing personnel and creating budgets. Furthermore, they must manage external constituencies such as other agencies, the press and public (Allison, 2012, p. 5). His observations stem from Wallace Sayre’s famous words, “public and private management are fundamentally alike in all unimportant respects (DiIlulio, 1993).”
Hours of operation (days and times): Mon- 8AM-4PM, Tues- 9:30AM-5:30PM, Wed- 11AM-7PM, Thurs- 9:30AM-5:30PM, Fri- 8AM-3:30PM, Closed on Saturday’s and Sunday’s.
Today’s society is a mix of all the nations, languages, traditions, beliefs and cultures. The diversity of values is what makes society stronger, interesting, more or less acceptable to some forms of foreign influence in one way or another. In general, the assimilation process into society goes with an intermittent level of success, cultural differences arise when dealing with certain aspects of life. In healthcare, people are interacting within very close physical distance, discussing intimate health details, present at the at happy (childbirths) or tragic (death) moments, where stress can bring patients and their families to an edge, those deep rooted cultural differences can be seen without any cultural shields.
Welcome everyone to the Governor’s Conference on Economic Development, today we shall discuss some interesting topics that should deal with our economy, and how it has developed and changed over time. To do this, we first need to discuss variables that might affect the equilibrium of supply and demand, as well as how that could be desired. Then, through using the concept of consumer and producer surplus, we will introduce the efficiency of markets, costs of taxation and some benefits of international trade. We will also discuss any side effects or consequences that might prevent market equilibrium, and the government’s policies that are used to remedy the inefficiencies in markets that are caused by externalities. Finally, we will finish with learning the difference between the efficiency of our tax systems, and the equality of a tax system.
Operating Hours: Sales Offices open Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 7:00am and Saturday 9:00am to 5:00am
When we examine public sector versus private sector, plenty of differences come to mind. In defining each, we learn a private sector in an economy consist of all businesses and firms owned by ordinary members of the general public. It also consists of all the private households in which people live. The public sector in an economy is owned and controlled by a government. It consist of government businesses and firms and goods and services provided by the government such as the national health service, state
The branch in which we read thoroughly the contribution of the government in money related matters is known as public finance. In this branch we analyze the government and government expenditure of public authorities with the help of these we tries to achieve useful effects & discarding harmful effects. The initial point for accessing the public finance is the proper role of finance. Actually during special conditions private markets will distribute goods and services among people in a effective way. We want to achieve such conditions so that no waste occurs & we get what suits with our economy productive abilities in a special condition when private markets were able to provide good results and the division of money was socially desirable, in such case there would be no scope for the government. In most of the cases the rules for private markets efficiency are discarded for e.g. In a special condition when many people want same good at the same time .in this special case the private money market supply become too less to handle. The example non-rival consumption is National defiance. When private market does not distribute goods & services efficiently then there is market failure. The market failure gives collective or governmental provisions of goods and services, which is based on efficiency rational. The causes of market failures are public goods, informational advantages strong economies of scale and network effects. Government failure is term used for
George Boyne in his article “Human resource management in the Public and private sectors: An empirical comparison” explains with empirical evidence how even though private and public sector management differs in service ethos but this difference is significant which impacts the tradition, culture and practises of both the sectors. Over the past two decades many different interpretations and perceptions have come into play on the similarities and differences between private and public sector management.
As most consumers assume, typical product pricing relies on the basic rules of supply and demand. But you may sometimes pay more or less for a product because the company that produces it has implemented different, highly strategic pricing tactics. One of these tactics is called product-cost cross-subsidization. Through cross-subsidization, the government is able to harmonize the divergent socio-economic groups in society in providing their basic needs. This paper seeks to explore the consequences of cross-subsidization. The argument for and against privatization of public enterprises is brought to the fore as the paper examines the effect of equity and efficiency on national social security systems.
The roles of the private sector and partnerships continue to gain recognition in the context of development strategies and international policy-making. Agenda 2030 (SDG 17 “Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership of sustainable development”), the report of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, and UN agencies’ strategies for partnership with the private sector provide a clear call to action for delivering global partnerships for sustainable development. The HLPF’s modalities reinforce this by encouraging the private sector and civil society to report on their progress in helping to achieve the SDGs.