
Prison Classifications

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In prison, classifications point out to the formula used for allocating offenders according to their needs for correctional measures. This refers to the variety of facilities they will assign, and the level of control they will administer to the lawbreakers. Initially, classification in the prison focused on punishment based on the type of crime one had committed. Later in the nineteenth century, there was introduction of reformation and rehabilitation goals as new forms of correction.
Subjective Classification This type of classification was used before the nineteenth century. It was dependent on the understanding and judgment of the classification commissioners. It was the work of the commissioners to decide on the type of supervision, the punishment they were to receive and the house where the prisoner will go.
Objective Classification In this category, …show more content…

Classification specialists evaluate the prisoners; create an individual profile that comment on inmates history, health and if any, criminal record. This information will guide the specialists in assigning an appropriate custody for the inmates. Classification of prisons greatly depends on the security level. This is an indicator of the degree to allocate an inmate in a facility separated from the residents. Inmates locked in a maximum-security cell, spend more than three-quarters in their units. The inmates under this unit are restrained from unnecessary movements and will only do so under the watch of a correctional officer. In the close security, an inmate is put in a single cell that is remotely controlled. There is restriction and tight supervision by the correctional officers. They are allowed to attend corrective programs. In medium security, inmates work outside the prison facilities under the watch of fortified correctional officers. They also attend correctional

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