3/4/2016 (SFC Raymond Harris): Mr. Leeth, Johns S. GS-6, DA Civilian at Human Resource Specialist/ASD USAG Rheinland-Pfalz Call the OIG HOTLINE requested assistance that the Priority Placement Program (PPP) is not fair and discriminatory against DOD employee. During the CPAC (PPP) brief did not mention anything about dependents with documented health issues. 3/4/2016 (SFC Raymond Harris): Mr. Leeth, John S. stated he attended the Priority Placement Program (PPP) brief by Mrs. Poole, Heike at CPAC Kaiserslautern did not mention anything about dependents with documented health issues. Mr. Leeth stated his wife because of her wife medical condition it will be hard for him to move. Mr. Leeth turn in an extension but it was disapproved because he qualified for the (PPP). His wife medical issue is under review by the Department of Labor because his wife medical paperwork was not in the package. 3/7/2016 (SFC Raymond Harris): Contacted Mr. Watson, Ivor, Military Personnel Division Chief Cell: 0162-296-9189 who was Mr. Leeth supervisor at the time stated he was not aware of Mr. Leeth wife medical condition are extension since he is over five years get approved or disapproved at HQ IMCOM. …show more content…
Lewis, James, Director Human Resources, USAG Rheinland-PFalz (Kaiserslautern & Baumholder) DSN: 493-4165. Mr. Lewis stated he just arrived in German that Mr. Leeth disapproved extension and (PPP) brief was completed by the time he was in the position. Mr. Leeth did talked to him about his wife but did not go into detail. Mr. Lewis talked to Mr. Leeth about the (OTEX) and (PPP) referred him to talk to Ms. Reynolds, Deborah H. Deputy Garrison Commander, Rheinland Pfalz. Mr. Lewis stated that all employee that is hit by PPP is really upset and most tried to use anything they can to keep from getting
On Tuesday March 8th, 2016 Case Conference with Resident Ebony Rice #325 has been conducted with Janette Chirico from DHS , Program Director Felicita Rivera, Housing Program Supervisor Zenobia Garland and Senior Case Manager Ms. Arias. The purpose of this meeting was to address client noncompliance and to come with an exit strategy for this Ms. Rice. Client was asked the reason for her missing ILP meetings and her barrier to obtain permanent housing. Client has a LINCH voucher for the amount of $1515. Client stated that she hasn’t receives any help from facility staff so she is searching for apartment on her own. Ms. Rice has been receiving assistance by the onsite housing department but unfortunately she has been able to link to an apartment
Entitlement/ Benefits: Client’s PA case is closed. Case Manager explained to client that all clients are expected to open and maintain active and open a PA case. Client was referred to HRA for the purpose of opening of PA case. Client is expected to apply for public assistance by 12/12/2016.
Housing Update: client NY NY I, II was approved. Client is waiting for DHS manifest to tour apartment. Another alternative housing is MRT once client SSI is approved. Client also mentioned she signed up with Brightpoint Health Home Health Services since 5/9/2015, Client report she will like to sign up with CAMBA/Home Health and she provided BrightPoint Home Health approval letter for CM to submit to CAMBA/Home Health Coordinator. Client is waiting for her coordinator at Brightpoint to return from vacation to close her case, so that she can sign up with CAMBA/Home Health
Entitlement/ Benefits: Case Manager confirmed and verified that Ms. Medina’s PA case is open and active. Ms. Medina is only receiving food stamps. Case Manager encouraged Ms. Medina to visit her PA center for the purpose of obtaining information about her case. Ms. Medina stated that she is still waiting for her Unemployment Benefits to be re-opened. Ms. Medina stated that she is attending to the back to work program.
Based on the DA Form 4856s, dated 2 thru 3 May 2009, the applicant received the following counseling: (1) Initial Counseling (2) Reception and Integration Counseling (3) Barracks standard and operation procedures (4) the most violated area amount AIT Soldiers. Negative counseling recommending the applicant for separation under chapter 5-17
On September 21, 2012, ACEDS Case Action Update/Display documented by Social Service Representative, Richard Gordon stated that Ms. Williams arrived to the agency to apply for Supplmental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, and Medicaid for her child only. During the visit, CARE interface revealed that Ms. Williams had an open Medicaid case in Maryland (#47403882500). Maryland Social Services also reported that she was employed by CPR Medical as of August 9, 2012, and paid bi-weekly $850.00. Ms. Williams also reportedly received unearned monthly income from SSI in September 2012 in the amount of $440.34, and in October 2012, in the amount of $370.54. As a result, Ms. Williams was denied expedited Foodstamps pending paystubs and her application was marked as "pending."
Remias met the VIDES and placed on the DD Waiver waiting list. His has a priority 1 status with a score of 20. He will receive a DD Periodic Support
Code §150.2. as of February 1, 2017. Moreover, the Regulations are explicit that “the emergency medical services required to treat an emergency medical condition are only funded by MA until the medical condition is no longer an emergency. MA funded medical services are not available for treatment received after the emergency ends.” 55 Pa. Code § 150.11(emphasis added). In this case, the Appellant’s emergency medical condition ended (February 1, 2017) and she is seeking continuous MA funding for ongoing treatment after that emergency, which is prohibited by the Regulations. Accordingly, the ALJ finds the Department was correct to discontinue the Appellant’s MA benefits because she is a noncitizen who is not in immediate need of emergency medical services and has not provided evidence that a new emergency medical condition
Ms ROBERTS, DESIRE M, Case GB9071, expressed her concerns regarding an unmet copay from September of 2014. Her case has not been resolved yet. She said that she went to the SSP, Albany Branch to apply for ERDC, but she was told would not qualify for ERDC due to unmet copay. She said her husband and she are working and need ERDC. Ms Roberts stated that she has been sent back and forth between SSP, Albany Branch and DPU due to an unmet copay from September 2014.
Declaire informed HS that Mr. Palmer is unemployed at the moment because client is undocumented. As per Ms. Declaire this issue makes it hard for Mr. Palmer to find a job. Also, client stated that he is not looking, everyone turn him down. Ms. Declaire stated that she is employed at moment and earns about $1200 a month. Family PA case is active at this moment.
Veteran has four admission and discharges in CAVHS in her record: June 2012 (3K); August 2012 (3K); March 2014 (SICU); July 2014 (3K). She has also received care from Biloxi and Texas VAMC 's in the past. Veteran served in the US Army between October/2004 to March/2004, with an Entry Level Separation (ELS- Medical) discharge and her highest rank were an E-3. Veteran reported she received an injury while
Reinita was one of two PGLD employees selected for the 2016 FLRP Program which is exceptional. Her selection was announced December 17, 2015. Within that program she has several responsibilities, one of which is to complete a 60-day acting manager assignment. Reinita began an official Acting Manager detail in Disclosure on June 12, 2016 Acting Manager - October 29, 2016 as the Disclosure Office 05 Disclosure Manager, temporarily replacing the manager whom retired May 31. Reinita has, therefore, fulfilled her responsibility to complete a 60-day Acting Manager assignment for Frontline Manager Readiness Program. During this detail Reinita has reported directly to the Disclosure Deputy. The Deputy stated it has been a pleasure working with
One of the policy alternatives is the choice of the Priority Enforcement Program (PEP) in place of the Secure Community Program. Various factors must be considered to determine whether the PEP will be successful or whether the country should continue with the Secure Communities Program. The second alternative is to explore the alternatives to detention. The third alternative is to target immigrants that pose the greatest danger to the community. The fourth alternative is to consider privatizing the detention functions of ICE. The final alternative is for the government to prioritize the deportation of undocumented individuals that are already within the prison system. This would entail the deportation of convicted felons purely based on their
Priority Group 7, Priority Group 8 and any new reserve capacity requests officially go live today(12/1/2016). The work around used before for PG7 has been resolved. The drop down options for PG7 and PG8 are now available in TPAES. Please use your normal procedure when submitting for the new reserve capacity. The self-referral form has been updated with new indicator questions to help with identifying if an applicant qualifies for the newly opened priority groups. Please let us know if you have any questions or
On the issue of HCBS denial, RH, the PA IEB Representative, explained that that the PA IEB in conjunction with the Mont. Co. AAA denied the Appellant’s application for HCBS services because he does not meet nursing facility level of care criteria for any of the waiver programs they administer. It is the PA