
Princess Aeschine Essay

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In the Kingdom of Agraec, a land where the snow was never ending, the clouds constant fixtures in the sky, there was a fair princess, an only child with nobody but her dear father, King Wymond, to keep her company. Her mother was killed while bringing her into the world, using her last breaths to declare that her baby must be named Aeschine, a name for creativity and ambition. Princess Aeschine was beautiful to say the least, her long brown hair a silky curtain that fell to her waist, her skin as fair as the snow that never left Agraec, her lips as red as the roses that she loved so much, and her large, round eyes, colored like chocolate, showing innocence that was rare for her seventeen years of age. She was so pure, so lovely, that her father had kept her hidden from the eyes of others for her entire life. The people of Agraec knew nothing more than her name and she knew no company other than her father. Her beloved books were her only form of entertainment, allowing her to dream of a life full of love, and the perfect, …show more content…

They came to a pause at the door, not sure what to do next. Aeschine was reluctant to let him go, not wanting to go back to the lonely lifestyle that she was used to. Although she had not known him for more than a few hours, she already knew that she was enamored with the brave knight that had defended her. Tomislav seemed just as hesitant to leave, his eyes showing that he was quite captivated as well. Finally, after much internal debating, the princess invited him to come inside, contemplating ways to explain the guest, as well as her absence, to her father. Fortunately, King Wymond was still sound asleep like she left him, a thin layer of sweat covering his pale face. It filled Aeschine’s heart with dread to see him like this, reminding her that she had forgotten to get the medicine that she had left

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