
Primary Theories Of Schizophrenia Essay

Decent Essays

There are three primary theories for schizophrenia that need to be considered:
The first theory being, the Genetic Theory. This theory proposes that schizophrenia is inherited and passed through genes. An initial study shows, one in eight children of a schizophrenic parental background develop this disorder, similarly another study concludes 75% of children will be mentally healthy. Research also states, the illness occurs in 10% of persons with a first degree relation to a family member with schizophrenia. Statistics are even high for an identical twin of a person with schizophrenia, with a probability of 40-65% of developing the disorder.
Next is the Environmental/ Interpersonal Theory. This theory proposes that schizophrenia and emotional disorders are directly correlated to a person’s young upbringing in the home and parental figures. It also proposes the idea that stress is a pivotal cause. A strong …show more content…

The initial indication of schizophrenia being a factor of dopamine was amphetamine consumers. Amphetamine causes several symptoms of schizophrenia including: delusions and hallucinations. In schizophrenics there is an unsteady, high amount of dopamine in the brain. Antipsychotic drugs work to lower the presence of dopamine on the brain by impeding dopamine receptors. There are two primary dopamine receptors, D1 and D2. In schizophrenic patients the latter is split into D2, D3 and D4 subtypes. Dopamine activators are found in the striatum, prefrontal cortex and limbic system of the brain. Clinical research has observed an increase of dopamine in the emotion controlling striatum through PET and SPECT brain scans. Unfortunately there is no one pinpointed cause of high dopamine levels. Many of these causes are: Agitation, anxiety, cognitive acuity, feeling of pleasure, hedonism, high energy, high libido, insomnia, paranoia and

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