
Primary Care Cliff: Case Study

Decent Essays

The Primary Care Cliff is set to leave it’s biggest mark on Community Centers in October, that is when the funding for the Health Center Graduate Medical Education program runs out. The Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education (THCGME) addresses the need for primary care doctors in rural and underprivileged areas. Physicians doing their residencies in a This is only one area of the ACA funding that was created to enhance primary care physicians in an already primary care shortage that included funding residencies and expanding reimbursement for primary care providers. Given that the U.S. Congress is unlikely to expand these fundings due to its deep division on funding healthcare, local communities may need to take on this issue to keep their local health centers active. With over 120 Community Health Centers and FQHCs in the city of Chicago alone, losing funding would be disasterous. Local stakeholder groups that would support a funding shift or flex funding to continue the THCGME would be based on an interest in continuing community centers, …show more content…

His reasons varied, but issues such as not putting enough toward pension relief. It is possible that Larry Suffredin would also vote against increasing funds for health community clinics due to the majority of these centers being in Chicago. Since Larry Suffredin is from Evanston it is possible other representatives from other cities in Cook County would not want to fund these clinics without something in return. It’s possible that the necessary funds to continue THCGME will costs additional funds to go toward those districts and communities. Larry Suffredin also considers himself to be committed to sound fiscal management, so increased spending without other cuts to other programs could make Larry Suffredin, as well as others attentive to fiscal management, an opposed

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