
Pride Of Ho Chi Minh Research Paper

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On 10 May 1969 at 0730, 3-187 Infantry set out to find and destroy the 29th Regiment, known as “The Pride of Ho Chi Minh,” in order to prevent the buildup of the enemy in the valley. American and South Vietnamese commanders believed that the anticipated enemy buildup and offensive could threaten Hue, Quang Tri, and other major cities and towns along the coast. With this in mind, 3d Battalion of the Rakkasans departed from Fire Base Blaze. As elements of the battalion moved toward the Laotian border and Dong Ap Bia, they made initial contact with snipers and a two-man element firing rocket propelled grenades. The first assessment was that contact was only trail watchers, but continued contact and encounters with spider holes made it evident that a much larger force was in the area. …show more content…

In Operation DEWEY CANYON, the

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