
Pride Dagoberto Gilb Character Flaws

Decent Essays

The characteristic flaws that are written in Gilb’s writing defines pride or another human’s feeling as a character flaw. There are many character flaws in Dagoberto Gilb’s writing, “Pride,” that shows his own experiences and perspectives of a multi-cultural area. Pride can make one be less sensitive and fearless towards another human’s feelings. Characteristic flaws are also dictated through courage, but one can find themselves letting it get the best of them. Pride can also ruin the well-being and happiness of who they really are. Although pride could be a good characteristic, there are often instances where as one might feel as if they cannot show their emotions. With that being said, this means fear has now entered in to where emotions cannot be shown through one’s good spirit. Having too much pride can dominate how the reaction is in an important situation. Gilb’s reading gives a great example of how pride can take over one’s emotions. “He holds it back, and with his hands, hides the tears that do escape, wipes them with his fingers, because the chavailtos in his isle are playing and laughing and they are so small and he is so big next to them.” Sensitivity and fear can come in tie with pride and have a negative effect on another human’s feelings and reactions. …show more content…

Courage is the willingness to confront danger, pain, or even uncertainty at times. Physical courage is being brave and facing physical pain, hardship, or even death. Pride comes after when you do what took courage to do. Having too much courage can even affect one in the long run. Gilb writes, “Pride is the fearless reaction to disrespect and disregard. It is knowing the future will prove that wrong.” Characteristic flaws dictated through courage, can have a negative effect on one’s future. Having too much courage can cause one to react before thinking, therefore letting it get the best of

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