
Pride And Prejudice By Jane Austen

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Throughout all of Jane Austen’s writing, she uses metaphors as a representation of the societal values and culture she was undergoing in real life. Austen lived in a period where gender roles were definite and followed. Finding a suitable husband to depend on for a secure future was the sole purpose for daughters in the family. These circumstances were conventional, and for the most part, not questioned. Though, Austen had a voice that she wanted to share, so she used symbolism to minimize the provocative subjects of which she wrote about for this time period. The behavioral conventions for gender roles in Pride and Prejudice expect that women mask their flaws and weaknesses, in order to succeed in the courtship game, by winning over a man to marry. A canny woman in this time period is a figure of controversy. In the progressive society of present day, this woman is viewed as powerful and indepedent, and is looked up to. Though, back in Austen’s time period, this woman was looked down upon and perceived as an embarrassment or disgrace to the family, like Lydia Bennet eloping with wickman. In addition, the traditional culture suggests that women who “win” in the marriage game be thought of as the beneficiaries of luck, or chance. The use of Card Games in Pride and Prejudice depicts relationships between the characters and how they came about. Each lady used a distinct strategy in her search for a husband. For example, Jane and Bingley’s preference of Vignt-in over

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