
Pricks And Chimcks A Plea For Woman Analysis

Decent Essays

The world we live in today really focuses on making everything equal. Men and women should have the same rights and it’s important that we’re not disrespectfull towards one another. Therefor we must use our language with caution so that we can aviod making people hurt when communicating. Language is powerful, it is important we use it correctly. In the text ”Pricks and Chicks: A Plea for Persons”(1993) Robert Baker brings up how different terms used as nicknames for women have a background behind them. Some terms used is seen as neutral, for instence *lady, *gal and *broad. Even animalic nicknames uccur such as *chick, *bird and *fox. The third and last categori is nicknames that origin in playthings, for example *babe and *doll. Some of …show more content…

There is no honour in murder” (Monday 23, june 2014) both Dexter Dias and Charlotte Praudman claims that the term ”honour killing” is very offencive towards the survivors and women who suffer and are victims of this horiffc crime. The writers claim that estimated 5.000 women annually are ”honourdly” murderd. Dias and Proudman also write that there is no honour in murder and that the downgrading term must change, two examples that they suggest are ”femicide” and ”shame killing”. These two terms does not make any excuses such as ”honour killing”. Barry Malone describes in the article ”Why Al Jazeera will not say Mediterranean ’migrants’” (Reporter’s Notebook, 20 August 2015) that the unbrella term migrant does not fill it’s purpose when describing the horrific war unfolding in the middle east. It’s a term that both dehumanises and seperates us from them. We must realize that they arent just migrants, they are people with hope and history searching a future as anyone else. Malone also descibes that migrant deaths aren’t equal to deaths of others in media. Malone writes that the majority of the people drowning in the Mediterranean are refugees and that we rarely talk about them as people anymore, instead they are seen as

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