
Pretty Little Liars

Decent Essays

In the novel, Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard, there were many parts in the text that I had difficulty understanding, while there were other parts of the text that were easy to understand and connect to. I can clearly understand and see how the author described the settings to help the reader better understand the story and scenes. At the funeral, the author explains the setting around the characters and introduces new ones. The author states, “The church was dark and the silence was eerie. The room was filled with sorrow. The only glance of light was from the sun, which bounced from the windows. Then my phone rang, breaking the silence” (Shepard 282). I can visually see everything that is happening and how sad and dark everything must …show more content…

I can mentally create a picture in my mind of the scene and how people may have been feeling. Also, the dark and gloomy church makes the reader feel more suspicious about what is going to happen next. It also built up suspense, which made me want to continue reading. Once I imagined that I was part of the scene, I felt all the of emotions that the characters were feeling and it helped me get to know how the characters and how they react to different problems. I can also connect to this book and this scene because I have gone to a funeral before, and I did feel gloomy and emotional, just like the girls in the novel. Even though I could connect to some part of the story, there were other parts and scenes that were difficult for me to connect to. One part of the novel I could not connect to was how all of the girls had their best friend die. Not only that, but I have never had a person stalk or threaten me before. Overall, there were many parts of my novel that I could understand and connect to, while other parts were difficult for me to comprehend and attach …show more content…

The book has many different types of settings that explains where the characters are and creates a specific tone for the reader. Before I start reading my book, I always go back a couple of pages to remind myself of what is going on during the scene. This helps me better understand the book and helps me jump right back into the text. When the author explains the setting, it makes me feel like I am part of the story and creates an image in my head. I can also connect to the the characters more when I feel like I am in the story. While I am reading, I normally jot down significant information to help me remember important details in the story. Once I finish reading, I normally look at my paper that a wrote on and see all the main ideas that occurred during the section I read. Following all of these steps every time I read helps me comprehend the plot, characters, and setting. I did meet my goal for the marking period and I can better understand my book through my strategies. It is easy to see that while following all the steps and strategies while reading my book, I can reach my skill goal of understand how setting contributes to conflict, plot, and characterization of a

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