
Presidential Tenure Essay

Decent Essays

First Library Research Assignment Just as the original framers of the constitution established limitations on the government within the Bill of Rights, it is to the utmost importance that the president have term limitations imposed as well. Published by the Los Angeles Times, the article ‘Let Us Limit Presidential Tenure’, urges an amendment be passed by Congress to resolve this issue. Finding this specific passage was no easy task as the tedious process required search terms such as ‘Presidential Terms Constitutional’, ‘Executive Terms of the Presidency’, and ‘Presidential Tradition Broken’ were utilized to find the article. Various topics were found in the database such as public opinion regarding Roosevelt's term, the division between Republicans …show more content…

Roosevelt entered his fourth term as the president of the United States, breaking the unspoken two term limit for presidency set by George Washington and respected by thirty others after him. Within the piece, the author elaborated how the people had placed their trust and faith in their first president to lead the country, ultimately deciding not to establish a legal restriction in the Constitution. In the fifth paragraph, the author warned that national security could be threatened by an intelligent and sound president with unlimited presidential tenure, such as Franklin D. Roosevelt. (“Let Us Limit Presidential Tenure”) The selected column was an opinion piece aimed at raising awareness to the public. The article was clearly biased in the form of favoring the proposed amendment as opposed to taking a neutral stance on the issue. After reading the item, it left the impression of urgency on the reader, claiming that only written law can establish rules and keep traditions as opposed to an informal one. During this period in time, Republicans were in support the new amendment while Democrats were in opposition, leading to the conclusion that the author sided with the Republican’s as they were for limiting government and a large proponent for constitutional rights. (“Presidential Tenure and

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