
President Of The National Association Of Independent Schools Essay

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Today’s educational system faces a questionable success in relation to the advancement of society. Bob Herbert, an op-ed columnist for the New York times, created the educational essay titled, “Our Schools Must Do Better” He began working there in 1993 and spent his career writing mainly about issues facing race as well as poverty in the U.S.. Two men, Arne Duncan and John Chubb wrote articles that mirror ideas discussed by Herbert. Duncan, who wrote “U.S. Education Reform: ‘This Truly Is a Moon Shoot’”, is the former United States Secretary of Education and often linked a student’s academic performance to their teachers and school. Similarly, Chubb researched education topics and eventually became the president of the National Association of Independent Schools(NAIS). His article,“Our Schools Our Future Are We Still At Risk” expresses problems that today’s educational systems present. Herbert, Duncan, and Chubb conclude that changes or reforms in educational systems as well as teacher quality must be done in order to ensure future academic success to students. Renovations must be done in educational systems to enable success for students in the changing world of today. In Herbert’s essay, he expresses that education is not improving in ways it needs to. These changes prove to be essential when looked at from the student and societal aspect. At this point, schools are not adjusting to time changes. Herbert supports this claim by stating, “The U.S. has not yet faced up

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