
Present Illness Case Studies

Decent Essays

Chief Complaint: 15 year old, Hispanic male who report sore throat and for 2 days.
History of Present Illness: Per patient report, he was in his usual state of good health until 2 days ago when he started feeling a throbbing throat pain. The pt denies pain in any other part of his body. The sore throat is al most constant and states feeling a throbbing sensation. Aggravating factors are swallowing and talking. The patient feels some short relief when he takes lozenges or eats something cold. Pt states awakening at night due to the throbbing throat pain. Currently, the pain level is 7/10 in a numeric scale (0-10). Denies any other associated symptoms such as headache, fever, chills, drooling, problem swallowing, hoarseness, sneezing, runny …show more content…

Nutritional History: Patient eats 3 meals a day. Patient eats a lot of fast food during lunchtime, states he does not like school food. Eats breakfast and dinner at home. Likes sodas and energy drinks. States he should drink more water.
Psycho-social/ Spiritual hx: Patient lives with his mother and maternal grandmother. He has no siblings. Have three dogs the loves. The patient report helping his family with house chores. He is currently in the 9th grade and attends a high school. He plays football 3 x a week. He states having a lot of friends and go out to do activities every week. Denies drinking alcohol, smoking, or using illicit drugs. Attends a Christian Church every Saturday and Sundays.
Sexual/reproductive hx: The patient states he has never been sexually active, and denies oral sex engagement.
ROS: Negative for SOB, fever, cough, sputum, rhinorrhea, sneezing, hoarseness, sinus pain, ear pain, conjunctivitis, vision changes, light sensitivity, hearing difficulties, weight loss, fatigue, decreased activity level, headaches, mouth sores, swollen lymph nodes, head trauma, fainting, loss of consciousness, murmurs, irregular heartbeat, malaise, stomach pain, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice, petechiae, rashes, and …show more content…

Diagnostic Plan: Laboratory evaluation for Viral Pharyngitis is limited, however, identification for group A b-hemolytic streptococcus infection may be needed in order to treat the patient appropriately. Laboratory include a rapid screening test for streptococcus if the result is negative a throat culture is obtained (Dains, et. al., 2016).
Rx Plan: treatment plan depends of the severity of the symptoms and epidemiologic factors causing pharyngitis. Treatment for viral meningitis may include:
Plenty of oral fluids, salt-water gargling; for soothing effects, and rest (Aung, K. (2016). Lozenges and Tylenol may be taken as needed for pain relief (Aung, K. (2016).
Pt Education/Referral/Follow up Plan: prevention for recurrent infection includes hand washing, avoid contact with infected individuals, isolate utensils, drinking glass from other family members. Wash utensils and personal objects thoroughly with disinfectant soap and water. The patient should notified the care provider if symptoms do not improve in two weeks or unable to swallow, difficulty or noisy breathing, drooling, or high fever > 101 f (Harvard Medical School, 2017).

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