
Prescription Drugs: A Model-Based Analysis

Decent Essays

I founded my article in The kind of this reports is about medical

stuff. Prescription drugs are an important part of the healthcare system and patients

rely on medicines to keep them healthy. Unfortunately, prices for prescription drugs

have soared in recent years, with the price of a single medicine often exceeding an

average American’s annual income, putting a severe burden on employers as well as on

consumer premiums. Not only are drug manufacturers launching products with high

prices, they are routinely raising the prices of existing drugs - even decades-old drugs-

by double-digit rates. To improve access to prescription drugs and to make new

treatments more affordable, health care stakeholders should promote …show more content…

This study is

model-based analysis. So how has US retail prescription drug spending changed over

time ?
It has grown considerably since the 1980s. Figure 1 shows retail prescription drug

spending since 1960, both as a share of GDP and as a share of total health spending. It

rose from the early 1980s to the early 2000s (by both measures), and then after a

period of slow growth, rose sharply in 2014 and 2015. In conclusion, high drug prices are the result of the increasing cost and complexity of drug

development but also arise in large part from the approach the United States has taken to the

granting of government-protected monopolies to drug manufacturers, combined with restriction

of price negotiation at a level not observed in other industrialized nations. Opportunities to

address these problems include paying greater attention to potentially unjustified granting and

extension of patent exclusivity, enhancing competition by ensuring timely generic drug

availability, providing greater opportunities for price negotiation by governmental

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